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题目:Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends in your same age.

[align="left"]It is universally admitted that older people have more wisdoms than the younger ones, and thus, many people tend to think that getting advice from the older is more valuable than from the same age. However, I personally object to the perspective, for a friend in the same age are more likely to feel what I feel and come up with advice which I need most.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]First of all, the seniors, living on their experience that is somewhat old-fashioned, are often stereotypical and stubborn, away from the modern thoughts and conceptions. For instance, upon graduation from high school, my grandmother began to advise me to choose a teaching major, because in her perspective, teachers are stable, high-paid and easy to look for a husband. As for my preference, to become an artist, is viewed by her as an arduous and useless job. My grandmother, similar to her generation, considers one’s career merely a way to make money instead of pursuing interests or dreams. On the contrary, my friends all supported my determination. With their accompany, I endured the hardest period and successfully passed the entrance examination of my dream school. As my sweet friend said, artist is a serious and respectful career. So the advice from the friends who are the same age is more useful.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]In addition, friends in the same age are much more likely to feel what I feel because they are confused by the similar experience. Taking myself as an example, it was really a desperate time when I firstly fell in love but were rejected unfortunately. I truly had a broken heart, felt disappointed with myself and even tried to commit suicide. My parents, however told me that I did not understand what love truly meaned and warned me not to do anything might affect my academic achievements. My affection was thought ridiculous and naive, which deeply hurt me. What is my friends’ advice? They hold me and told me if I swept, there were tears in their eyes also. Peers who stand on the same life phase and observe life from the same window, not only give me their precious advice but also share their feelings which forms the wide difference between advice from the older and the peers.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]To sum up, advice from friends at the same age is more reliable and precious than those from the old. With the peer’s suggestions, we see life as a whole, becoming nobler than we are, wiser than we are and better than we feel. [/align][align="left"]
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    perlin 发表于 2014-5-7 18:27 1point3acres.com
    In my junior year in F ...


    perlin的这个段落表面上看是把楼主的原文润色了一遍,但我认为在论证上有一个根本性的不同在于:perlin的段落中把同龄friends给的具体advice写出来了("how to use make-up to magnet men's eyes"),并且这个advice在文章描绘的context下非常合理。可是楼主的段落中只是在说peer friends can feel the same,却没有讲出他们除了表达同情之外是否还给了任何advice。而文章的主题是需要落脚在"advice"上的,仅仅feel the same我想应该是不能算数的。


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    zz92117 发表于 2014-5-7 13:15 1point3acres.com


    In my junior year in Forest Lake High School, I had a crush on a guy named Sebastian. However, he showed reluctance when I finally decided to confess my love. As a teenager, it was sort of a huge blow to me and advice was what I was looking for. I first attempted to turn to my parents, who grew up in a rather more conservative social environment. They offered nothing but a lecture about me being "abrupt", since it is regarded "outrageous" by parents for a teenage girl to chase a boy here in China. My parents questioned my capability for maintaining a romantic relationship and forbid me to do such thing ever again. On the contrary, my friends of my same age, Mandy and Cynthia, simply gave me a hug and told me if I swept, there were tears in their eyes also. Especially, Mandy even taught me how to use make-up to magnet men's eyes in a party. They did not do much, but as they both broke up with their boyfriends before, they knew what a disheartened girl really needed then. I believe people of same age share similar experience, hence they may provide more eligible suggestions and help when needed.

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    题目:Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends in your same age.

    [align="left"]It is universally admitted that older people have more wisdoms than the younger ones, and thus, many people tend to think that getting advice from the older is more valuable than from the same age. However, I personally object to the perspective, for a friend in the same age are more likely to feel what I feel and come up with advice which I need most.[/align][align="left"]First of all, the seniors, living on their experience that is somewhat old-fashioned, are often stereotypical and stubborn, away from the modern thoughts and conceptions. For instance, upon graduation from high school, my grandmother began to advise me to choose a teaching major, because in her perspective, teachers are stable, high-paid and easy to look for a husband LOL, “容易嫁老公”这么表达好像有点奇怪,最好改成“popular among men”?不知道还有没有更好的表达. As for my preference, to become an artist, is viewed by her as an arduous and useless job. My grandmother, similar to her generation, considers one’s career merely a way to make money instead of pursuing interests or dreams. On the contrary, my friends all supported my determination. With their accompany, I endured the hardest period and successfully passed the entrance examination of my dream school. As my sweet friend said, artist is a serious and respectful career. So the advice from the friends who are the same age is more useful.[/align][align="left"]In addition, friends in the same age are much more likely to feel what I feel because they are confused by the similar experience. Taking myself as an example, it was really a desperate time when I firstly fell in love, fessed up but were was rejected unfortunately. I truly had a broken heart, felt disappointed with myself and even tried to commit suicide. My parents, however told me that I did not understand what love truly meaned and warned me not to do anything might affect my academic achievements. My affection was thought ridiculous and naive, which deeply hurt me. What is my friends’ advice? They hold me and told me if I swept, there were tears in their eyes also. Peers who stand on the same life phase and observe life from the same window, not only give me their precious advice but also share their feelings which forms the wide difference between advice from the older and the peers.[/align][align="left"]To sum up, advice from friends at the same age is more reliable and precious than those from the old. With the peer’s suggestions, we see life as a whole, becoming nobler than we are, wiser than we are and better than we feel.[/align][align="left"]
    [/align][align="left"]纯理科生一枚,所以王尔德的话不太懂。[/align][align="left"]这篇文章的逻辑、用词、结构都没有大问题,保守说,满分15分拿到11分以上应该没有问题,有些词用得蛮好的。[/align][align="left"]但是读完以后就是没有一种特别爽的感觉,原因之一可能是LZ的语言、思维都是有些偏Chinglish的,但是又想杂糅进英伦味道的缘故。[/align][align="left"]另外一个原因,LZ举的第二个例子并不好,早恋对于美国人不算一个问题,“My parents, however told me that I did not understand what love truly meaned and warned me not to do anything might affect my academic achievements.”。还有,“a teaching major, because in her perspective, teachers are stable, high-paid and easy to look for a husband”这样的话美国评卷官读起来会觉得有些confusing,他们会想“这个考生是哪国人啊?在他们国家,老师很好嫁老公么?”. [/align][align="left"]
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