Amazon三选一 求指导

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收到Amazon邮件选组 三选一
Kindle组原本以为很好 结果发现不是做kindle核心.... 求大神分析

Dev Productivity & Tools
Developer Productivity and Tools is a group of teams focused on making Amazon Web Services a positive and productive developer experience. We include services like AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CloudFormation, language specific SDKs, Tools, Documentation, and Management consoles that make it easy to get started with AWS, simple to use, and hard to imagine life without. Through our educational content, blogs, and conference activity we help developers be part of the larger AWS community where they can learn, share, and get inspired.

Millions of Sellers from countries around the world (and growing) list their products for sale on the Marketplace. Sellers are a critical part of Amazon’s ecosystem to deliver on our vision of offering the earth’s largest selection and lowest prices. These Sellers offer millions of unique products, providing a broad and diverse inventory of products from Books, Electronics, Apparel to Consumables and beyond. Our systems use technology appropriate to our needs, including Hadoop, Machine learning, highly scaled Java services, AWS technologies, Ajax rich UI's, and more.

Kindle Product Management
We build and innovate on the buying experience for Kindle devices and accessories and reinvent learning and knowledge sharing in schools, businesses and other organizations. We work at all levels from high-traffic, high-visibility front-end to scalable, distributed systems on the back end.