
[align="left"] “Ralph, like us, was willing to be a fool. And the way to get to the top of the heap in terms of developing original research is to be a fool, because only fools keep trying. You have idea number 1, you get excited, and it flops. Then you have idea number 2 you get excited, and it flops. Then you have idea 99, you get excited, and it flops. Only a fool would be excited by the 100th idea, but it might take 100 ideas before one really pays off. Unless you ’ re foolish enough to be continually excited, you won’t have the motivation, you won’t have the energy to carry it through. God rewards fools.” ---Matin Hellman[/align][align="left"] 今晚正准备写毕业论文最后一章,但是看了十几篇论文仍然毫无头绪,所以心情略糟,再加之马上要毕业了,不免有些伤感,所以写一篇日志抒发一下内心的情感(请用宋小宝的语气读这句话,不知道的请戳这里:rrurl.cn[/align][align="left"] 虽然我一直和化学院的同学住在一起,平时和数学院的同学们交流不多,交往甚密的也就那么几个,但是我自认为还是很关心同学们的近况的。由于很喜欢Social Network,所以几乎所有的关于社交的平台可能都有我的账号,比如:Instagram, Weibo, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn等,自己也很喜欢在社交网络上发状态
(此处推荐看电影《社交网络》《美丽心灵》),有时候我觉得大学里唯一的“成就”就是把人人的来访量从大一开始的0通过各种手段增加到了现在的19000+(是不是很蠢),而且我上社交网络总是有个怪癖:喜欢用Google Analytics分析网站流量。但是我觉得以后我们各奔东西之后可能再也没那么多时间耗在这些社交网站上了,因为我们都会忙于找工作,忙于做科研,甚至每天都会遇到困难,并且这些困难可能每天让你焦头烂额,就好像我毕业论文的最后一章,安全性分析一直不知道该怎么写,但是这种时候还是只能硬啃论文,哪怕最后还是没有一点创新。
[/align][align="left"] 说一下大学里的收获吧。我觉得这四年大学里最大的收获就是认识了一批志同道合的牛人以及接触并初步了解了密码学。说实话转专业转信安这件事其实挺傻的,因为我刚上大一的时候只是单纯的想学数学,从没考虑统计,信计,应数,纯数,信安这么多方向。我记得第一次和我提到山大信安的是李磊,他也是我上大学以来认识的大牛之一。他说:“山大信安不是有个王小云嘛?”,然后我傻了吧唧的说:“她是谁?“ 然后他给我解释说她破了美国的密码,然后怎么怎么牛,结果我也傻了吧唧的转专业的时候选了信安。但是!我后来发现,到大二分专业的时候几乎谁都想去统计,后来才知道原来山大还有个彭实戈。。。当时还感觉自己挺草率的,为什么直接就定向选了信安。结果到了大二下上数论与代数结构的时候发现信安挺适合我的,尤其是对我这种学过计算机的学生。而且信安的老师也都挺好的,强哥,琴姐还有魏老师,上实验课的时候还有挺牛的学长,让我感觉实验室的氛围很好。强哥是一个很好的老师,还带我做过科创;琴姐的科研很牛逼;魏老师的讲课我觉得讲的很好,谢谢你们让我了解了密码学里的一些大方向:Stream Cipher, Randomness, Public-Key Cryptography, Symmetric Cipher, Zero Knowledge, Provable Security等等,让我在申请的时候不至于一头雾水。另外,还有很多和我一起做过研究,参加建模的同学,翔神,晓哥,骚毅,骚琦及其女朋友点赞狂魔,骚磊,超哥,豪哥,涛哥等等,和你们讨论也让我成长不少。[/align][align="left"] 大学里的遗憾可能只有两点:1.没有好好学概率和统计,导致我现在都不知道什么是假设检验以及GRE的概率我都有些做不对。2. 没有谈恋爱!!!!!!!!![/align][align="left"] 最后感谢一些国外的叫兽:Susan Hohenberger, Kenny Paterson, Rei Safavi-Naini, William Whyte, Yevgeniy Dodis, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Matthew Green, Mattew Bishop.[/align][align="left"]-------华丽丽的分割线-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/align][align="left"]关于申请:[/align][align="left"]My application materials could be viewed on my personal website including my CV, research statement.etc[/align]
[align="left"]之前发过的帖子:[/align][align="left"]1.rrurl.cn[/align][align="left"]2.rrurl.cn[/align][align="left"]现在申请越来越难了,今年的趋势感觉申博士的越来越多,Data Science会越来越火,统计也很火,所以学弟学妹们要加油哟~[/align][align="left"]Other useful links:[/align][align="left"]1. To people who want to pursue a PhD position in future: rrurl.cn [/align][align="left"]这是那篇《博士磨难》的作者的主页,由于看到这篇文章我已经申请完了,所以后悔没有早点看到,写的很好![/align][align="left"]2. The Python Tutorial : rrurl.cn[/align][align="left"]3. Top Conferences in Information Security:[/align][align="left"]Rank 1
S&P (Oakland)
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
Crypto International Cryptology Conference
Eurocrypt European Cryptology Conference
Usenix Security Symposium
NDSS ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium
Rank 2

ESORICS European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
RAID International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection
ACSAC Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
DSN The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
CSF (CSFW) IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium.
Supersedes CSFW (Computer Security Foundations Workshop)
TCC Theory of Cryptography Conference
Asiacrypt International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security
IMC Internet Measurement Conference
Rank 3
SecureComm IEEE Communications Society/CreateNet Internation Conference on Security and Privacy for Emerging Areas in Communication Networks
DIMVA GI SIG SIDAR Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware and Vulnerability Assessment
AsiaCCS ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security
ACNS International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security
FC International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security
SAC ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
ACISP Australasia Conference on Information Security and Privacy
ICICS International Conference on Information and Communications Security
ISC Information Security Conference
ICISC International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology
SACMAT ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies
CT-RSA RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track
SEC IFIP International Information Security Conference
(WiSe, SASN) ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security
Supersedes WiSe (ACM Workshop on Wireless Security) and SASN (ACM Workshop on Security of Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks)
-- Workshops below --
FSE Fast Software Encryption workshop
PKC International Workshop on Public-Key Cryptography
NSPW New Security Paradigms Workshop
IH Workshop on Information Hiding
WSPEC Workshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerce
DRM ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management
IWIA IEEE International Information Assurance Workshop
IAW IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop "The West Point Workshop"
CHES Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
SRUTI USENIX Workshop on Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet
HotSec USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security
(HotBots,WORM) USENIX Workshop on Large-scale Exploits and Emergent Threats
Supersedes HotBots (USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets) and WORM (ACM Workshop on Recurring/Rapid Malcode)
Others (not ranked)  ISPEC Information Security Practice and Experience Conference
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