5.29 1000 通过@上海

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当当当 新鲜面签分享哟! 签证被approve实在很开心有木有!
签证前最担心的是两个问题:一是硕士专业是电磁场与微波技术,做的项目涉及毫米波集成芯片,稍稍有点敏感,偶去tamu读integrated circuits, 感觉IC解释不清楚也会悲剧有木有?!还有就是俺是phd ad, 不几道VO会不会纠结财产问题!

到上海先去梅龙镇踩了个点,志愿者说13:00面签的的12:30来排队,我看帖子说12:15就会开始,所以12:10去排的队。可是队伍已经排了好长啊,好不容易走到队尾,周围都是13:30和14:00面签的!!过了一会一个工作人员过来说13:00的排一队,13:30的排另外一队,所以撒,大家不要去太早啊。。。排队时手上准备好DS160和签证确认信,然后会有志愿者在DS160上写一个号码。拿到号码后去8楼排队,这时准备好护照,会有志愿者在护照上贴一个东东。再然后是过安检,再然后是准备好I20, DS160, SEVIS FEE确认信,护照,排队到某一个窗口,再然后是准备好护照,排队到另一个窗口验指纹。然后就是排队面签啦!


me: good afternoon,sir (边说边递i20和护照)
VO: do you gonna study a doctoral degree.
me: yes.
VO: what's normal length of the study?
me: i plan to spend five years to get the degree. But the normal length indicated in the i20 is seven years. i don't....want to spend that much time.
VO: (smile) yeah sometimes it can take longer blabla. (typing)
me: yes, indeed. but i wish it would not happen.
VO: who will support your study?do you have a stipend or scholarship blabla.
me: OK, here is the thing. for the first year, my parents will support me and from the second year , i will find a RA position in the university, i mean a professor to support my study.
VO: (nodding , smiling and typing for three seconds)
me: (楞半秒)啊?
VO: (smile)你通过了!
me: Oh my god! really?! thank you! thank you so much! er...have a nice day!
VO: (smile) Have a nice day!

话说这算水过了吧。。。除了一开始递上去的i20 and passport, 资料夹都没打开过啊。。。
护照, 护照照片,i20, DS160, SEVIS FEE确认信, 签证收据(就是中信银行辣个),签证预约确认信;
study plan, CV, 导师简历(找了一个和我方向analog ic 对口滴professor的简历),爸妈工资证明,财产证明,房产证,户口本,Toefl成绩单,GRE成绩单,本科和硕士成绩单(装密封信封里的)

虽说基本没用到啊,但是这种事情不能抱侥幸心理的。。。wish for the best, and prepare for the worst!


good luck! e!v!e!r!y!b!o!d!y!