Meta买它 team match 过程

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上周和三个组进行了team match,来地里解答一下小伙伴们最常问我的问题

A. team match需要准备什么?
自我介绍,想做什么类型的工作(不常问到)和想要问对方的问题。因为我是intern return,所以manager们手里有我的internship performance以及intern manager评价和我的简历,几乎我需要自己介绍什么。有一个manager问了我关于我喜欢做什么,不过目的似乎也只是想帮我思考什么样的课题会适合我。
B. team match可以问什么问题?
1. 工作内容类
What are the projects currently underway in this team?

What do you think I specifically would be working on at the start?
Is it easy to get onboarded for it? Mentors available/documentation/etc?
How will the work evolve over the next 6-12 months?
2. manager个人体验类
What's manager's career path?
Do they like the work culture at Meta?
what's your performance score?
3. performance review类
What KPIs or success metrics does the team primarily focus on?
How often does the team have performance reviews?
4. team结构类
How is the team structured? What the size of the team

Does the team often get reorg?
5. 职业发展类
What is the typical career progression for a data scientist in this team?
6. logistics
How soon do you want me to get onboard
What is the work from home policy?

C. team match是双向的吗
没错,team match之后不光我给三个manager打分,据manager说她们也会给面过的几个candidates打分,最后根据双方意向来决定placement。

D. team match后多久出结果

E. TM会失败吗

求一些大米 谢谢好心人
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