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新泽西理工学院电子与计算机工程系Dr. Qing Liu计划于2024 Fall招收2名全奖博士生。

研究方向为为高性能计算 High Performance Computing,数据压缩 data reduction and compression, 科学数据管理 Scientific data management.


- 本科/硕士专业为计算机,电子工程,数学,物理或相关专业;

- 有较强编程(python/c/c++)功底;

- 有科研经验为加分项;

- 有工业界经验为加分项;

- 有意者请邮件联系: [email protected]。邮件请注明博士申请并附上简历。

刘老师长期与美国顶级国家实验室保持合作,并长期获得美国国家科学基金会及美国能源部的资助。 刘老师于2022获得NSF CAREER AWARD,科研经费充足。
刘老师经常辅导学习工作并非常关注学生成长,组里氛围融洽,新晋博士生在工作遇到问题能得到及时帮助。组里的论文均发表于HPC顶级会议期刊(SC, IPDPS, ICDCS, TC, TPDS)。博士生一般发表一篇文章后,即可暑期实习(美国国家实验室如ORNL,LANL或工业界),毕业前亦可以长期实习。

Dr. Qing Liu(web.njit.edu~qliu/) invites applications for two Ph.D. studies in the areas of high-performance computing (HPC) and big data computing, starting in Fall 2024. Students with strong backgrounds in CS, EE, Math, Physics, or related fields are highly encouraged to apply. Students should be proficient in programming (Python/C/C++). Prior research experience and work experience are a bonus. Interested students should contact Dr. Liu directly via [email protected] with Resume/CV.

About Dr. Qing Liu
Dr. Qing Liu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology. He holds Joint Faculty Appointment at the Oak Ridge National Lab (with Workflow Systems Group under Data and AI Systems Section), where he has extensive collaborations. Ph.D. students have the opportunity of working as summer interns at ORNL as well as other US national laboratories.

Dr. Liu's research interests include high-performance computing, big data in data-intensive science, and high-speed networking. In particular, he has done extensive research on scalable data storage and analysis solutions on emerging architectures for HPC applications. His research products have been adopted by more than twenty HPC applications in fusion energy, high-energy physics, cancer research, quantum physics, turbine engine design, weather modeling, .etc., for production purposes. He has published in premier HPC conferences and journals, such as SC, HPDC, SIGMETRICS, IPDPS, ICDCS, CLUSTER, TPDS, TC, TOS, .etc. Dr. Liu was the distinguished employee of Computing and Computational Science Directorate at ORNL in 2012. He received the NSF CAREER award in 2022 and the R&D 100 award as a principal investigator in 2013 (with Rutgers University, Georgia Tech, and NCSU) for his contributions to adaptable I/O systems for Big Data applications. He has played leadership roles in several DOE projects.

About NJIT
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) is a prestigious public research university (R1) in Newark, New Jersey, United States. It was ranked 77th place in Best Engineering Schools(usnews.com
NJIT's campus is strategically located in the heart of Newark, providing students with the invaluable opportunity to immerse themselves in a vibrant city atmosphere. The proximity to various industries and job opportunities further enriches the educational experience. Moreover, NJIT maintains strong ties with the local community by fostering collaborations with businesses, government agencies, and other institutions, thereby contributing to regional economic development.
Adding to its advantages, NJIT enjoys close proximity to New York City, only a 30-minute ride away by car. This convenient accessibility allows students to benefit from the city's vast resources and opportunities while still residing in a peaceful and welcoming neighborhood.
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