新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU) 物理系韩恩道老师招收一名生物物理博士生 Fall 2024

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PhD position at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

Dr. Endao Han's lab at NTU has a position for a PhD student (August 2024 intake) with full scholarship. We invite interested candidates to apply by contacting Dr. Han.

Dr. Han is an Assistant Professor in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His lab works on experimental biological physics and soft matter physics exploiting state-of-the-art imaging and data processing techniques. Current projects include collective motion of bacteria, mechanics of bacterial colonies and biofilms, bacterial type VI secretion systems, fungus-plant interactions, and active matter physics.
For more details, please visit the lab website:
Please apply as soon as possible.

; A competitive GPA.
; For candidates from non-English-speaking countries, the University mandates submission of a TOEFL or IELTS score and a GRE score.
; Preference will be given to candidates with a background in biophysics, soft matter physics, solid/fluid mechanics, microscopy, and data science.

To apply, please email your CV, academic transcripts, and the contact information of two referees to
Please title your email "PhD Application - [Your Name] - [Your University]". Kindly note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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