Patent Bar考试总结

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今天刚考完Patent bar,过来写总结帖。

考试资格申请:patent bar有三个category, A类只针对特定名称的理工类学科,B类是专业名称不在A类里面的其他理工类学科,C类是基于工作经验,下面暂列一下, 想看详细的小伙伴去搜索USPTO OED就看到最新版的指南了。
Category A:
Computer Science* Electronics Technology Food Technology General Chemistry Marine Technology Microbiology
Molecular Biology Organic Chemistry
Textile Technology
Aeronautical Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Ceramic Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electrochemical Engineering
Engineering Physics General Engineering
Geological Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Mining Engineering
Nuclear Engineering Petroleum Engineering

Category B 有四个option:
i. Option 1: 24 semester hours in physics. Only physics courses for physics majors will be accepted.
ii.Option 2: 32 semester hours in a combination consisting of the following:
8 semester hours of chemistry or 8 semester hours of physics, and 24 semester hours in biology, botany, microbiology, or molecular biology.
The 8 semester hours in chemistry or 8 semester hours of physics must be obtained in two sequential courses, each course including a lab. Only courses for science or engineering majors will be accepted.
iii. Option 3: 30 semester hours in chemistry. Only chemistry courses for chemistry majors will be accepted.
iv. Option 4: 40 semester hours in a combination consisting of the following:
8 semester hours of chemistry or 8 semester hours of physics, and
32 semester hours of chemistry, physics, biology, botany, microbiology, molecular biology, or engineering. (For Computer Science, see other acceptable course work.)

Category C: 基于经验的,或者通过了FE的 (这个应该很少有人符合)
Practical Engineering or Scientific Experience. An applicant relying on practical engineering or scientific experience or who does not qualify under Category A or B above may establish the required technical training by demonstrating that he or she has taken and passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) test. The FE test is a test of engineering fundamentals. The FE test is developed and administered by a State Board of Engineering Examiners in each State or comparable jurisdiction. Neither the USPTO nor any other U.S. Government agency administers the test. An applicant desiring to take the FE test should direct inquiries to the Secretaries of the appropriate State Boards. Official results of the FE test must be submitted to establish qualification under this category. An applicant attempting to qualify under Category C must submit an official transcript showing the award of a Bachelors degree.

LZ的本科在国内读,专业名称不在Category A里面,所以走了Category B. 加上本科是国内的,所以用了WES认证了本科的成绩表(选的贵的那款 course-by course evaluation), 这个认证花了三个月,中间非常曲折,涉及到国内认证再转到WES去,大家可以去知乎上搜索WES认证,有手把手教学,这里就不细说了。
同时USPTO还要求教一个专业的description 和你要认证的各门课的course description, 这个也难坏LZ,因为本科的大学根本没有像美国大学一样,每门课的老师都会发syllabus。所以这部分纯靠楼主自己写,参考了本科学的课的书的前序和目录,并且一个一个translate成英语。前前后后写了一个月。LZ为了顺利过关,还找了本科的系主任review盖章。(这步应该可以省略,LZ问了其他考Patent bar的小伙伴,基本自己写的course description就可以,不需要盖章,当然你如果想格式好看, 可以把学校的title放在header里面)。

an applicant must establish that recognition is consistent with the capacity of employment authorized by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The evidence must include a copy of both sides of any work or training authorization and copies of all documents submitted to and received from the USCIS regarding admission to the United States and a copy of any documentation submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor.
LZ的粗浅理解是,工作签证要与patent agent工作相关。(可能不对)

Patent Bar复习材料推荐:
随便用Google搜索一下你会发现很多,最贵最好的当然是PLI,但是要将近两千刀,肉痛。LZ的学姐选了Patbar,LZ试用过,感觉题目比较少,前面的video总结的不错,但是文字部分的summary完全就是MPEP逐条过,对新手很不友好, 不好理解,也没有区别重点。
LZ买的是wysebridge,600+,这个summary比较多,有区别重点。但是!!! 但是它的summary给我的感觉是没有及时update, Pre-AIA的rule和AIA的rule有的混在一起,有的rule已经不有效,但是没有及时更新。所以看得时候不能完全相信它,还是要及时查MPEP,以MPEP为准。好处是题目比较多,而且里面有五个frequently ask question part, LZ考试有遇到几道比较相似的题目。

Patent Bar 考试:
这部分LZ考前签了NDA,所以不能透露太多。只能说wysebridge 的frequently ask question part 好好刷!AIA重点看, Pre-AIA所有的rule(包括102, 103, oath or declaration, correction of inventorship, etc) 都不用重点看!!涉及的部分超级少。

考试是两个part, 50道题一个part,每个part三个小时,中间休息一个小时,可以吃点午饭。考完第二个部分,有个survey,然后就直接显示考试结果了。PTO要求70% 以上正确率,100道里面10道是experimental test questions, 就是不算分的,这么算下来,只要答对63道题就过了。


分享这个帖子是因为LZ在准备考试的过程中,基本找不到相关的分享。全靠自己摸着石头过河,狂啃OED guideline和到处求学长学姐分享经验(但是法学院中国人少,考这个的更少)。希望能帮助到其他人吧,虽然这个论坛里面的法学生很少。


补充内容 (2020-6-21 19:10):
PTO 的category B evaluation process比我想象的快很多,所有材料交齐以后,一个星期就给我结果了
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