[招生]美国University of Houston工业工程系PhD招生 Fall 2023

休斯顿大学(University of Houston)工业工程系Dr. Yisha Xiang实验室招生博士研究生,于2023秋季入学。博士研究生的方向主要是随机优化,统计机器学习,及其在供应链管理,制造和医疗系统中的应用。Lab 网页:xiang.ie.uh.edu
欢迎对优化和机器学习有兴趣的优秀学生加入。优先考虑具有统计、数学、电子计算机等相关背景的硕士研究生。有意者请直接联系Dr. Xiang:1point3acres.com
休斯顿大学(University of Houston)是德克萨斯州四所顶级公立大学之一,卡内基学术基金会将休斯顿大学评为R1: “具有最高研究活动的博士学位授予机构”之一。Cullen工程学院声誉卓著,全美排名第66位。休斯顿是美国美国第四大城市,墨西哥湾沿岸最大的经济及文化中心。休斯顿的经济在能源、制造业、航空业和交通运输领域拥有广泛的基础,在医疗保健领域和油田设备制造方面更处于领先地位。休斯顿连续多年被评为是美国最宜居的城市之一。

Dr. Yisha Xiang is the associate professor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Houston. Her current research and teaching interests involves data-driven decision-making under uncertainty and statistical machine learning. Her research has been funded by National Science Foundation, including a CAREER grant, and industry. She has published articles in refereed journals, such as INFORMS journal on computing, IISE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, and Naval Research Logistics. She was the recipient of the P.K. McElroy award, Stan Oftshun award, and Doug Ogden award for best papers at the Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. Dr. Xiang received her B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Nanjing University of Aero. & Astro., China, and M.S and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from University of Arkansas. She serves as an Associate Editor for IISE Transactions and IEEE Transactions Automation Science and Engineering. She also currently serves as the Chair-elect of the INFORMS Quality, Statistics, and Reliability Sector, and President-elect of the IISE Quality Control and Reliability Engineering Division. She is a member of IISE and INFORMS.
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