5.16 CE MS 安家楼1000水过

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Nathan Xu
hhh,1000水过约的10:15,9点过去排的队,12点出来的。 这里说一下,感觉安家楼那边不用太早去,到时间段了大家都是靠挤。。。

vo: hi
me: good morning, I'm here for my F1 visa, here is my passport and I20.
vo: OK, so which school?
me: UC San Diego.
vo: OK...so is your program,computer engineering.... a coursed-based program?
me: yes...
vo: means you won't do any research?
me: yeah, and I don't have any advisor.
silence....and typing...
vo: so you have been to America?
me: yes, in 2012.
vo: what's that for?
me: school trip.
silence and typing...
vo: so do you have any other name?
vo: so you name is always XXX?
me: yes...
vo reach for the blue page...
vo: your visa is approved, thank you.
me: thank you, have a nice day{:4_86:}

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