Spring20/Fall20 PhD Positions in CE at University of Utah & 1 PostDoc in ECE

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Multiple Ph.D. positions for Spring20 and Fall20 in Computer Engineering at University of Utah. And, one PostDoc opening in ASIC/FPGA Design Automation.CE at UoUt is a joint PhD program between CS and ECE Department. Hiring information (below) can also be found here: ycunxi.github.io

Good luck to all applicants!

Research topics:
; Formal Verification for AI system, Explainable AI
; Machine Learning for Electronic Design Automation (ML4EDA)
; Cross-stack Software Hardware Co-design
; Deep learning for combinatorial optimization
Minimum Qualifications
  • Strong research interests and motivation
  • Solid programming skills in C/C++/python
  • CS/ECE/Math/Physics majors with a solid GPA record
  • Solid communication and writing skills (GRE/TOEFL)

Preferred Qualifications
  • Exposure to Formal Methods, e.g., SAT/SMT/LP/GB;
  • Or basic knowledge of EDA for Integrated Circuits (ICs), e.g., tool/algorithm/design space exploration for synthesis/PnR/verification;
  • Or basic understanding of machine learning, e.g., deep learning/reinforcement learning/graph learning
  • Or hardware Acceleration, e.g., DNN accelerator co-design on FPGA/GPU

University of Utah & Salt Lake City
Ranking: CSRanking: #31; USNews CE: #49; USNews CS: #43
4 hours to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park; 6 hours to
12 mins to Utah Jazz (NBA) Stadium; US Best City for Ski (2002 Winter Olympic)

Prospective PhD students (Spring20/Fall20): Please send me your [CV, GRE, TOEFL and B.S./M.S. transcripts] and use [Ph.D. Application - Your Name] as the email subject.
Prospective PostDoc: Strong background in EDA tool development for ASIC/FPGA, research experience with advanced technology node is a plus. Please send me [CV, list of publications] and use [PostDoc Application - Your Name]

PI: Dr. Cunxi Yu
Website: ycunxi.github.ioHiring info: ycunxi.github.io
Email: cunxi dot yu at utah dot edu
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