5.29成都 51天check终于结束AP

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F1 返签, biochemistry 专业, TA. 老板研究有些sensitive面签的时候vo说2-3周, 结果搞了51天.
错过了飞机, 错过了教课. 后来快疯掉了. 以为真的要check forever了. 但是今天终于update了. 在这里分享下经验.

因为VO说2-3周, 然后到了第三周的时候我就急了, 写email 到 [email protected] 催大使馆
I had an interview with a visa officer on May 29th in Chengdu. The visa officer told me it would take 2 to 3 weeks for me to get my visa. I had a flight that left on June 11th from Shanghai to Huston. So I missed my flight because I don’t know when I would get my visa and I have to buy a new plane ticket. Now it’s already past 3 weeks, I don’t know why my visa status is always under administrative processing.

I have to to back to school to teach undergraduates next week. Now it’s already after 3 weeks, I wonder when will I get my visa. The visa delay is not only affecting my own work schedule, but also affecting my colleagues’ work because of our corporation.

I was promised to get my visa in 2-3 weeks, which means I was suppose to get my visa yesterday latest. Now I have already missed my flight, which is going to cost me about 1000 dollars to buy a new ticket. If I missed my teaching job in summer, It’s going to be a lot more cost for me.


Thank you for writing U.S. Visa Service Desk.

Your concern has already been escalated.
We will contact you as soon as we receive a response.

事实证明未超过30天的case貌似真的只有这个email地址可以有点作用. 其他都鸡肋..

等到30天的时候收到email说我的case已经close. 我欢天喜地的以为issue了, 打电话查询状态结果还是AP, 然后人家说因为超过30天case就自动close, 泥煤都我玩{:7_181:}
然后我就给另外一个地址发email,[email protected], 然后收到[email protected] 这个邮件的回复 说

Thank you for your email. Your administrative processing is still under way. However, the consular officer is aware of your situation and has taken steps to follow up with your application. We don’t know when the process will come to an end but we will finalize your application as soon as we are able.遂等了两个星期, 结果还是没反应, 但是就有点怒了{:7_185:}...于是在周二又发一封,

Could you inform me anything about my visa application? My work and personal life is seriously interrupted by the visa application processing. The administrative processing has already taken 48 days and there has nothing changed on my account since my interview.
I would like to know the reason why my case is taking so long as I was told it would only take 2-3 weeks from the visa officer in Chengdu.

结果竟然没回复我, 我继续在周三再发一封
I emailed you about 2 weeks ago. But there still has nothing changed on my account. It’s already been 8 weeks. I need to go back to school now. I hope the reason that my case is taking such a long time is not because the case was overlooked. Please inform me anything about my case that helps me to be patient.

然后终于在今天收到回复 Dear applicant,
[align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Your administrative processing has been completed. You can expect your visa to be printed early next week. We regret it’s taken such a long time.[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]然后查网站上状态显示今天update. 护照状态还是没消息. 总算呼一口气. [/align]
总结经验就是那群人真的好烦人!!!你不对他态度硬一点他们就拖啊拖. 当然我们表达愤怒和焦急的手段要恰到好处,即使心里想说尼玛, 但是也要try to be polite.

个人觉得AP真的没办法电话催, 只能email. 最好周二周三催... 个人觉得他们周五就只想着下班, 催了也没用, 下周又懒得理你了. 周1又太忙, 太多邮件要回复,心情不好神马的...我知道很多email基本就是模板回复. 所以我们要合适表达我们的焦急, 态度不能太软.

如果说还有其他的办法, 我知道的就是联系州长, 我联系过两个州长, 不是我直接联系的, 但是我觉得他们也只能帮忙过问并不能帮到多少, 然后如果你爸就是州长, 那另当别论..我听说过一个很牛的人在一个很牛的学校, 直接要求州长给办理. 当然我觉得那些都是小概率事件. 我始终相信一句话: 任何时候只能靠自己.
当然这里有同学会疑问我凭嘛联系了两个州长....well, 我必须得承认LZ的BF是美国人, 然后他爹刚好又在联邦政府工作...so...当然不能误认为LZ是因为有关系就怎么怎么样, 因为州长们都确实感觉不能帮助很多, 虽然都很nice. 为什么这么说呢, 因为BF他爹所在的部门也是有同样的低效率的问题. 他们给veteran申请津贴神马的, 但是有的材料要审查1,2年, 人家veteran都病死了....给上面反映了也没办法...(突然觉得党虽然腐败但是有时候还是雷厉风行..)
所以说签证check这么久应该也不是针对我们的, 他们自己效率太低下了...
另外我给学校的international student service发过email, 他们说只能是超过60天的case,他们可以提出过问原因什么的.

之前地坛有的同学说抽检, 既然我的出来了就说明应该不会. 我不知道是否真的有抽检这回事, 但是去年马拉松爆炸案对签证有影响, 我一个师兄就check了3个月. 今年我唯一能想的就是南部边境很多unsupervised kids entering US给移民局带了很多工作量.
还有就是我建了一个群, 群号在之前发的一个帖子, 已经有很多小伙伴加进来了. 大家可以一起讨论.{:7_196:}
God bless all{:7_198:}

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