PhD offer[Physics@GSU]又是小offer,附问题一个

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I am happy to inform that I will recommend you for admission and assistantship for graduate studies in Physics at GSU starting in Fall 2011. If finalized, this offer totaling more than $30,000 per year includes a full assistantship of $18,000 per year paid to you and a full tuition waiver, which will be worth more than $12000 for three semesters.

不是fellowship,要干活:you will be required to work for not more than 20 hours a week

他家要求三月九号就给答复。要不不答复就不给奖学金,但是还可以录取。 If you do not respond before the deadline, your assistantship cannot be guaranteed.

最后一段还用American Association of University rule “威胁” 了我一下,晕