OPT Extension申请 (CSC)详细Timeline

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因为H1B抽签一直没消息,抱着侥幸心理一直拖到OPT差一周过期了才提交了extension application。临提交之前发现了很多问题,具体可以参考我这个帖子1point3acres.com:
  • 5/31/2014 Sat - 虽然I765表和I20上employer info不是很一致,还是咬牙决定先寄出再说,实在来不及了。从南加用Fedex寄到USCIS Phoenix Lockbox.
  • 6/02/2014 Mon - 虽然没有加钱要求早上寄到,但是Fedex还是早上deliver了。打了USCIS客服,了解了可以等有了receipt number之后通过邮件更新资料。也收到了我ISSS adviser回复说"I would suggest to contact me once you have a receipt number for your application. We can see what is best by contacting the service center at that time in regards to what to update and/or submit to them"。放心了一些,因为我之前很害怕I765表和I20不一致会被直接reject。
  • 8/05/2014 Tue - 状态未变但是message变成了:
    The USPS reported that they picked up mail from USCIS containing your new card on August 4, 2014. The USPS tracking number assigned is [###########]. You can use this number at usps.com to view updates to the delivery status of your mail. You should receive your new card within 7 days.

    我到USPS网站一查,发现还是用2 day priority mail寄的,expected deliver day是礼拜三。
  • 8/06/2014 Wed - 在寄出申请两个月还零了几天之后终于收到EAD卡,可以去续驾照了~

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