
上午刚刚查到8.16的成绩,103(R28+L24+S23+W28)虽然不高(主要跪在了听力上。。。{:4_85:} )但是应该已经够用了,觉得总该给地里写点什么,所以就有了这篇帖子。








P.S TPO阅读中有些概念和内容是会在考试中出现的,我之前做过一套讲冷血动物调节体温的,里面介绍到一个概念,就是海洋中动物的脚蹼很容易散失热量,因此通过动脉血液来预热回流的静脉血液,防止会流血液温度过低加速热量散失,结果在考试的时候就考了一个一模一样的概念,只不过文章内容变了变,幸好我当时每篇阅读做完都有分析,否则考试的时候能否搞懂这个概念都是两说了。。。所以做过的提一定要分析。





口语FFF,8月16日那一场机经一点都没中。我起初是下了黄金口语80套,然后又下了TPO小站Jacky的录音,由于懒,所以只是听录音,由于二逼,我听着Jacky说的那么好,自动脑补自己也能像他那样流利,所以更不练了。结果到了八月初一开口,发现自己就是个人渣啊,根本不知道说什么,而且一着急还会结结结结结巴。。。然后才开始照着黄金口语八十套来列自己的提纲,而且发现Jacky的并不适合我们模仿,所以后来找到了darisguo妹子的录音:http://www.yeeaoo.com/user_2039398.html,这个妹子口语考了30,语速适中,吐字清晰,内容丰富,非常值得模仿!后来发现有些内容其实可以通用的,比如说一个例子,问你:most important decision你可以用,问你the place you like best你也可以用,这样子就会效率高很多,练到什么标准呢,就是拿到任何题目都可以用你的例子去套,这样以不变应万变。



Task1 &2

开头可以说:The woman/man disagree/agree with the____ that______
He/she thinks______ because____ she points out that /feels
She agrees that______

Task 4
1.注意“this is known as”, “this is referred to as”, “this is called”, “people call this”, “people refer to this as”
2. 先解释定义
3. 重述例子
4. 最重要的:这个例子是如何支持观点的---可以用
That's how____ influence____
That's how _____works.

Task 5
1. 说明问题
2. 罗列解决方式
3. What you prefer?

Task 6
1.the topic the professor discuss
2.point 1 + example
3.point 2 + example



对于综合写作来说,我感觉最重要的不是句式和用词,而是你要尽可能完全的展示出lecture主要的观点,一般会有三点,可以分成三段写,不写结尾段。而且还要明确的写出这些观点是如何和Reading passage的内容相一致/抵触的,因为这才是综合写作的核心,这两项都是在OG上有严格要求的,所以只要满足,分数一定不会低,至于字数,我觉得适中就好300~350,语言可以像GRE的Argument一样干巴巴的也没关系,重要的是结构清晰,观点准确!可以有一个自己的框架模板,这样子考试的时候,有模板在,你会镇定很多。附一篇练习,貌似TPO20几套讲大海中奇怪声音的问题,觉得下面这篇干巴巴的,我写文章就是这个风格,实战检验这样子也是能拿Good的。

There are several explainations about the strange sounds heard by the Russian submarines but all of them are denied by the professor in the lecture.

First of the all, the professor claims that the sound can not be made by the orcas in the sea. Although the reading passage shows that the orcas live in that area and may make sounds when they are trying to attract other orchs. The professor contradicts this claim by stating that the orca whales only live in the surface of the ocean but the submarines are deep in the water. It is impossible for the submarines to receive their sound. Also, the orca whales could be detected by the sonar but the reading passage claims that they found nothing on sonar.So the sounds are not from the orch whales.

As with the giant squids, it is true that they might have the ability to emit sound according to the passage. Also, owing to their soft bodies, they are truly difficult to be detected by the sonar.But the professor cast doubt on this idea mainly because the strange sound only last for two decades, from 1960 to 1980. After that time, no such sounds were found again in that area but the squids were still live in that area. If the second idea is true, the strange sounds should not disappear.

Finally,The theaory that the quakers were from the other country's submarines is denied by the professor. The professor gives to reasons two support her conclusion. First of all, the strange sounds change their direction very quickly but submarines can not be that fast. Moreover no noise of submarine's engine were detected. There is no such technology could build the submarine that fast and quiet.So the professor quite disagrees with what the passage claims.


My Plot
1. My point of view + background (说明观点,然后适当展开,说明为什么支持观点,为什么反对另一个观点)
2. 分论点一+解释分论点+支撑分论点+具体举例+(总结可选)
3. 分论点二+解释分论点+支撑分论点+具体举例+(总结可选)
4. 结尾,更换句式,重述自己的观点。

由于我写issue时就比较意识流,想到什么写什么,所以没有固定的模板,但是任何主题我都会找到2-3个topic sentence,然后展开成三段,加上一些例子支持我的论据,最后结尾再重述观点,就OK了。

In my point of view, I think it is much better for students to have three or four lessons in a semmester rather than having too many lessons. Maybe it is true that some students of special talent have the ability to grasp many lessons in a short semester. But to most of the students, having too many lessons will make them too tired to learn and at last the student may have a very poor understanding of each class. That is really a bad result.

Having too many lessons in one semester will make the students very tired. When the students choose a lesson, they not only need to spend time in the classroom but also need to spend time doing the homework and reading some related books that the teacher recommands. So, maybe it is true that after choosing 3 or 4 classes, the timetable may still seem very empty which makes the students feel they still have the time and energy to take several other lessons. However, it is wrong a judgement. Although a student have enough time to take the classes, he might not have enough time to finish the projects of each lessons. For example, when I was in first semester in college, I take six lessons in a row. Guess what? It is true that I have the time to go to these lessons, but I barely have the energy to finish all the task and homework of these lessons. Each of the projects is time consuming. So I stay up late every night to cover them all and at last I barely failed one of these lessons.

On the other hand, finish learning the lessons doestn't mean that you have a good understanding of them. Sometimes the students may not know what the lessons are really about at the end of the semester. Having an adequate number of lessons would allow the students to look deeply into the subjects and have a good understanding of them. Also, some complex subjects such as physics, and mathematics need a long time for students to comprehend and digust. For instance, the students of the medical science usually need an extra year to study their major classes than other students. The school thinks an extra year will guarentee the students a good understanding of what they learn. After all, in most of the time, the quality weighs more important than the quantity.

Also, having lessons is not the only part of the school life. The students also needs time to do what they like such as joining clubs, traveling with friends and so on. The school life will be tiring and dull if it is only about taking lessons. Moreover, these after-class activites wlll give students a good mood and status which in return help them perform better in their lessons.

Qualities weighs much more heavier than quantities. It is very important for students to take adequate number of lessons in one semester. Anyway, the purpose of learning is to understant and digust rather than just finish them as a machine.

最后祝各位考T顺利!{:4_100:} 不要像大叔一样懒猪一只。。。
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