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[align="left"]I have clearly defined my career goal to become a well -rounded and technically competent [/align][align="left"]specialist in Materials and Devices, effectively utilizing innovative technologies to address [/align][align="left"]globalchallenges in the academic fields of nanoelectronics, material and devicecharacterization [/align][align="left"]aswell as display technology. As I pursue my goal as a prominent scientist orengineer, I require [/align][align="left"]manyattributes: enthusiasm for learning various subjects, immense aspiration tosolve emerging [/align][align="left"]problems, and fierce dedication to research in particular fields. Accordingly, I possess these [/align][align="left"]qualitiesand will showcase them in your program at Department of XXX, XXXUniversity.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]In retrospect, my college education greatly facilitated my natural attraction to research in [/align][align="left"]materialproperties and applications. I have been working in this area for two years, under the [/align][align="left"]supervision of Professor XXX. During this challenging time, I have achieved some[/align][align="left"]impressivecontributions. Specifically, my main research are related to single-molecule magnet [/align][align="left"]andorganic semiconductor.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]First,my most intensive contributions to computation involve the discovery of a newmethod to [/align][align="left"]calculate the exchange coupling constants in a single-molecule magnet in 2013. Likewise, I [/align][align="left"]publisheda paper--(paper title)--in the Journal of XXX in Aug. 2013. In the study of [/align][align="left"]material properties of a single-molecule magnet, we need to calculate the exchange coupling [/align][align="left"]constants frequently. We initially choose different spinorientation configurations and solve liner equations. [/align][align="left"]However, when this method applies to molecules containing large number of [/align][align="left"]magneticatoms, it becomes extremely cumbersome. In paper with XXX(Prof. name) appearingin the XXX(journal name),[/align][align="left"] we proposed a new method based on first-principlecalculations. To illustrate, we reversed the spin orientation of the [/align][align="left"]two atoms respectively and spontaneously; the calculation results were consistent with previousresearches on similar molecules.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]After the study of a single-molecule magnet, I thoroughly investigated the properties of other materials and recognized[/align][align="left"] my instinctive patterns of reasoning as highly analytical. One of my submitted papers--XXX(paper title)--in Jul. 2014,[/align][align="left"]concerns the electronicand magnetic properties of an organic semiconductor. In this paper, the magneticproperties and[/align][align="left"] electronic structure of 3d transition-metal phthalocyanine dopedwith Li were calculated utilizing first-principles calculations[/align][align="left"] based on density functional theory. However, we discovered that different types of phthalocyanine have different[/align][align="left"] electronic structures;in essence, they do not follow certain obvious rules. In my joint work with XXX(Prof. name) and other[/align][align="left"] teammates, we bravely employed the orbit mixing and splitting theory to successfully articulate the magnetic moment [/align][align="left"]causes and level arrangement law. [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Basedon my eminent research successes, my motivation flourished. There are manyinteresting, [/align][align="left"]open problems relating to material properties that I intend to investigate. Perhaps the most [/align][align="left"]intriguing one is exploring new materials with high performance, which is one of the main [/align][align="left"]factors restricting the development of materials and devices. For example, using III-IV [/align][align="left"]compound semiconductors to design transistors is becoming a new research hotspot. Besides, [/align][align="left"]device processing is also aninteresting topic. I have always been interested in fabrication process and [/align][align="left"]design and want to do intensive research on improving processtechnologies to ameliorate [/align][align="left"]performances of the device such asHFET. In turn, I would like to approach these problems--exploring [/align][align="left"]material properties and finding their functions--through my future study in your program of PhD[/align][align="left"] in XXX (department name). [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Similarly,I strongly deem teaching as an integral part of doing research. A discovery isfar from [/align][align="left"]completeif one does not also find a way toclearly present it to others. Even more importantly, [/align][align="left"]organizinga vast array of results for a presentation is a crucial skill that a researchermust share [/align][align="left"]witha teacher: without it, the researcher cannot gain a clear sense of direction inhis work. My [/align][align="left"]interestin teaching emerged two years ago when I tutored a high school student. It wasa great [/align][align="left"]pleasureto teach students, especially probing students’ minds to judge difficulty basedon their [/align][align="left"]abilities. Now I aspire to become a university faculty member to perform research as well as teaching.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]In essence, I choose (university name), as it emphasizes the nurturing our students to become [/align][align="left"]well-rounded and technically competent engineers who can change the world. I passionately[/align][align="left"] look forward tocontinuing my research career as a PhD student. The aforesaid open problemsdeeply [/align][align="left"]motivate me, and I will continue to pursue these topics. Your departmentoccupies a forefront position [/align][align="left"]in the solid-state electronics and materialsfield, especially in the area of Liquid Crystal Display. Students[/align][align="left"] and professors publish valuable papers in top conferences and journals yearly, andmost of their research [/align][align="left"]encompasses a close relationship with the industrialcommunity. My investigation of your program [/align][align="left"]revealed an honorable academic community, state-of-the-art technology facilities and stimulating [/align][align="left"]researchatmosphere, all of which are highly conductive to[/align][align="left"]thedevelopment of my later academic career. As Socrates proclaimed, “The unexamined life is [/align][align="left"]notworth living.” [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Thus,I am eager to examine innovative research and content in your amazing setting![/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Sincerelyyours,[/align]
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