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雪城大学(Syracuse University)计算机系教授现招收计算机系毕业生赴美攻读计算机博士学位。主要研究领域为分布式系统(distributed systems)和系统安全(cyber-security)。教授主页为: ecs.syr.edu

博士生将提供全额奖学金,2015年秋季入学。申请者需动手编程能力强, 对做研究具有热情和兴趣。有意者请将简历发送至 1point3acres.com


Dr. Tang's research interest is on distributed systems and/or cyber-security, with current focus on big-data systems and cloud computing. Details can be found on his webpage: ecs.syr.edu

Dr. Tang is recruiting two RA positions starting 2015 Fall. The applicants are expected to be self-motivated in doing research. Strong programming skills and system-building experiences are required. It is preferable to have knowledge on computer systems and security. If you are interested in the PhD position with Dr. Tang, please send your C.V. to 1point3acres.com

The EECS department at Syracuse University (SU) has a strong security and system group, which has strong research focus on system security, security assurance and cloud computing. The EECS department hosts faculty in EE, CE to CS, and provides a unique platform attracting students with interests in all computer layers from hardware, architecture, systems, up to applications. The students will have a plenty of opportunities to explore research interests and joining collaborating projects.美国雪城大学诚招计算机方向博士生,有意者请看