上了Media Lab的waitlist,求分析

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Samuel -- over 100 people applied to be in my group this year, and I couldn't accept everyone I wanted.

The fact that you're on the waitlist means that I'm interested in having you join us, and that will happen if someone to whom we've offered admission decides not to come here, or if I secure some additional funding to support more graduate students (which I'm working on right now).

I'm sorry we couldn't accept you on the first round but I hope things can still work out for this year.

有没有人知道Media Lab的waitlist有没有机会翻身啊。。。我总觉得不会有人据他的啊。。。另外,我看到有人说那里的老师会让你等到他有钱了再录取,这封email的最后一句话是不是这个意思啊。。。
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