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本科bioinformatics, 申engineering management master, 自觉PS 第一段选本科专业的理由以及转专业的理由写不好,改来改去都好别扭,求大家指点!!谢谢!!!
[align="left"]At the end of each year, I would always help my parents in the large-scale supermarket they run. From arranging time, making the schedule and managing capital to purchasing, the whole business process fascinated me. It was like an art. However, when I enrolled at Southeastern University, in order to live up to the expectation of my parents, I chose bioinformatics, the best major, for my undergraduate education. I have fully devoted my energy to the study of bioinformatics. At the same time, based on my previous experience as a class monitor in primary school and high school, I have worked as a team leader in several research projects and activities. However, over the past four years my desire to learn management hasn't diminished.[/align][align="left"]On one occasion, I learned from a senior that engineering management--a discipline combining technology and management--could help me to realize my dream. Therefore, having fully prepared myself in the undergraduate years, I would like to pursue further education as a graduate student of engineering management.[/align][align="left"]Thanks to numerous research projects, I have not only obtained a solid theoretical foundation but have also acquired training in self-assessment and organization. In 2013, the H7N9 virus swept through Asia. After several discussions with a professor, I and four students decided to research the specificity of H7N9 based on the comparison of different H7N9 genome sequences. However, problems emerged when we tried to construct a suitable phylogenetic tree. The basic knowledge we had obtained in class wasn't sufficient for the construction of such a complicated design. As the team leader, I organized the members in order to obtain additional knowledge and materials. In a subsequent discussion, the members proposed three possible solutions. Then, with dozens of sessions of trial and comparison among the solutions, we decided to use Neighbor-Joining method and the Kimura 2-Parameter model to construct the phylogenetic tree. Bootstrap was then used to examine the phylogenetic tree (through approximately 1,000 times of sampling). Ultimately, the problem was solved. By analyzing the phylogenetic tree, we inferred that H7N9 was a new kind of virus; a recombination of various avian influenza viruses within the same host. This result, which is inconsistent with the research of domestic scientists, was a source of excitement and satisfaction. I know the elation I felt wasn't due only to the practical application of knowledge. It was also due to my experience in leading my teammates toward project completion. I can’t imagine what might have happened if I hadn't motivated my teammates to share ideas effectively. Effective organization is far more important than simple knowledge. What I experienced in the project has inspired my desire to learn more about engineering management.[/align][align="left"]In order to further experience the magic of engineering management and improve myself in practical projects, I seized the opportunity to intern at the Project Management Department of the Changzhou Power Plant. As an assistant to the project manager (a construction project for an F-class gas turbine), I was generally responsible for maintaining the information management system. After studying relevant theories and making observations in daily life for a period of time, I gradually gained a basic understanding of the project procedure and job assignments. Then I turned to practical work. The manager, being satisfied with my performance in the use of PROJECT software, Gantt chart and critical path to finish some small projects, made an exception and invited me to join his project management group. He also invited me to return to the company for study whenever it was convenient for me. With about 80% of the project completed, we found that the construction and installation fees had already exceeded the budget by 1%. After carefully analyzing the root cause, which was a lack of communication among the different departments, we identified the problem as a failure to optimize the design and clearly allocate the responsibilities for cost assessment. Therefore, we rectified the cost accounting system according to the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) principle, which greatly improved the cost control capacity. Through this internship, I realized that I had the potential to do well in engineering management. At the same time, I became aware of the importance of systematically learning about engineering management. Effective project management will not only improve the overall team performance but will also directly determine the success or failure of a project.[/align][align="left"]The internships have encouraged a firm insistence on the pursuit of my dream, which is to be a qualified project manager. At the same time, the Western open teaching method from my teachers, with their foreign study experience, has also attracted me. Therefore, I have decided to apply for further education in engineering management at XX. Your university will not only provide me opportunities to learn more advanced management knowledge but will also offer interaction with world-renowned management scholars. [/align][align="left"]Certainly the chance to study abroad is an opportunity for enrichment, but I know the process will never completely free of difficulties. However, with my strong mind and resolute attitude, I can overcome the difficulties and finish my studies. Once I return home, I would like to engage in project management at BGI, a company that leads the biochemical engineering field in China. If one day I have a chance to establish a business, I would like to cooperate with classmates who have studied bioinformatics at the master's or doctoral level. If possible, I would also invite some talented people from abroad to come to China. We could work together and contribute to the development of bioinformatics.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"] [/align]
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