3rd REJ from stat@Harvard

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高冷的H大邮件都没发, 刚刚整理统计汇报贴的时候看到有人报REJ 于是也去查网申系统....
(顿时惊叹论坛传播消息的速度, 短时间内那么多人未收邮件就知道网申结果出来了)

1point3acres.com 早就知道结果了, 一点也不悲伤
有拒有录, 说明选校合理!

After careful review, I regret to inform you that the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is unable to take favorable action on your application to the Department of Statistics. The number of promising applicants well exceeded the number of offers of admission we can make for the 2015-2016 academic year.

I know that this decision comes as a disappointment. Unfortunately, enrollment of new students is limited to a small fraction of those who are qualified for admission. I want to assure you that your application received full consideration by faculty members in the program to which you applied.

We appreciate your interest in the Graduate School and wish you success in your future studies.
