紧急求助! Pending from TAMU 不知如何回邮件了...

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一早收到TAMU的邮件 内容如下:
[align="left"]We have received your application for admission for the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. We noticed that you indicated that you were also interested in the Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and would like to know if you would like to be admitted for the Ph.D. rather than M.S.[/align]
[align="left"]You can begin the Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with only a bachelor’s. The degree plan would be 96 hrs. and essentially you would be earning both the master’s and the Ph.D. at the same time.[/align]
[align="left"]Please let me know which option you decide to choose:[/align]
[align="left"]Option 1: Admittance as a Master of Science student[/align]
[align="left"]Option 2: Admittance as a Ph.D. student[/align]
[align="left"]Thanks and we look forward to having you join the program![/align]
[align="left"]首先 这个学校可是我的dream呀!!! 然后我应该是网申的时候ms和phd都点了钩钩 我自己的gt和gpa还行 但是科研真的一般 我其实只是想读个ms然后找工作(不排斥phd 话说如果是phd那应该会面试吧...) 虽然tamu每年学费是1w多美金 但是读5年如果自费感觉也吃不消 那么是不是我选择硕士会更好录取一点呢? 还是说博士好录取些?还是说这个邮件没有说想不想录取你 只是问一下而已(那就是空欢喜了)...[/align][align="left"]各种强迫症 哎 我不是处女座哈...[/align][align="left"]到底该如何回复? 请教大家下! (这样回复可以不:如果贵校会给钱 我愿意读phd 如果是自费 那我选择ms....)[/align]

补充内容 (2015-2-28 09:12):