4th REJ from MCDS@CMU, SCS全聚德 顺便求比较~

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之前想着中了MCDS就不用纠结了, 结果额...{:4_106:}
大概是因为不是 " from a "top-thirty" university, or foreign equivalent " 吧....SCS还是比较傲娇....

所幸手头上有两个还不错, CS@UCSD和INI@CMU, 求比较 求建议{:4_108:}

We regret to inform you that you have not been selected as a candidate for the Fall 2015 Master of Computational Data Science (MCDS) Program here at Carnegie Mellon University.

Because our program is a small and highly-selective one, we receive a large number of very strong applications, but are only able to select a small subset of them. We thank you for the time and energy you put into applying to this program.

On behalf of Carnegie Mellon University and the School of Computer Science, we wish you every success in your future career.
