wait list 的 second level是嘛意思!!!???

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实在受不了煎熬,问了phd program coordinator,结果回复我在wait list,而且还是第二lever!!!是不是已经没有必要等下去了,dream school的offer就这么擦肩而过了吗???!!!有人知道这个first level和second level的phd录取几率是多少呢?这个是原文:

To date, we've identified the applicants who are not competitive for our program, and they have been so notified; I'm happy to report that you are not among that group.
We've also sent invitations for admission to the most top-ranking applicants, and are waiting back to hear their decision about accepting our invitation of admission.
If some of them do not accept, we then will move to our "wait list," which includes a first and second level. You are on the second level list.
I expect this information is disappointing to you, and I hope to resolve your status as soon as I'm able.