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申的CMU-MISM-BIDA项目,貌似被调剂到一般的16-month track:

[align="left"]Dear XXX[/align]
[align="left"]Thank you for applying for admission to MISM Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (16 month) track programs at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College.[/align]
[align="left"]The admissions committee for the School of Information Systems and Management has reviewed your application. They are impressed by your credentials for MISM. Due to limited space and the large number of very talented applicants who applied to this new concentration in MISM, we are not able to offer you a seat as a student in the BIDA track. However, we are happy to offer you admission to the “regular” MISM! Congratulations![/align]
[align="left"]You will receive formal notification of this offer of admission within 48 hours.[/align]
[align="left"]The committee encourages you to consider declaring business intelligence as your specialization in MISM, allowing you to take many of the courses that interest you. You would be following in the footsteps of many MISM graduates who have gone before you in this specialization before moving on to success in the area of business intelligence after graduation.[/align]
[align="left"]Please contact our office if you have questions about your formal offer of admission after you receive it. You should receive it electronically very soon.[/align]
[align="left"]有点纠结了,手上有几个CS的AD,然后CMU的这个MISM好像就业有挺好的,虽然不是BIDA track,但我本身CS也想搞data mining,data analytics之类的,所以对这个项目还是有些心动,求建议!![/align][align="left"]好纠结!!哥大就要交占坑费了!!![/align]

补充内容 (2015-3-30 22:46):