ME ms/phd track @ Columbia

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申请的ms/phd track,被phd录了还是很兴奋的,哥大一直是男神校 ~~~~

Congratulations! It is a pleasure for me to inform you that you have been admitted to Columbia University’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science to study toward a Doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering beginning Fall 2015. Since you do not already hold a Master of Science degree, it is necessary for you to complete the requirements for the Master of Science degree as part of your studies.

The academic department will notify you if you have been awarded departmental financial assistance

1. 这是ad的意思么?很担心到时候签证会不会有问题
2. 哥大phd环境怎么样啊,我这种情况是去一年选方向么?
3. 小米一直米有理我...是怎么个意思...