8th AD from CS@Columbia

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Your Columbia Engineering Application Status
Congratulations from CS@CU
Decision on your Columbia M.S. application

深夜连发三封邮件哥大也是够拼的,今年哥大CS & STAT MS一反常态拒了一众大神,颇有overqualify的意思。。。我大概是背景有硬伤(双非出身),远不到OQ的水准才侥幸都录了吧 LOL

他家ML实力很强,NLP尤为突出,前几年一直系师兄从了哥大 CS MS进NLP lab最后跳板到四大PhD混得风声水起,加之最近两年又引进了几个年轻有为的ML big star,确实可以作为PhD跳板。不过和大UCSD CS MS一比性价比实在太低了,很大可能还是会decline掉
先容我再研究几天 prof profile ~
谁能告诉我 Michael Collins 和 David Blei 有多牛逼?



Congratulations on your acceptance to the Master of Science program in Computer Science at Columbia University!

I would like to provide additional information about Columbia, School of Engineering, and the CS Department in hopes of painting a fuller picture of your future experience.

Many accepted applicants are curious about the career services that are available to students at Columbia. CS@CU is fortunate to have a departmental Career Development Officer, Jessica Rosa, who works closely with individual students on their career-development needs. In addition, she reaches out to employers and invites them for technical talks, information sessions, and for office hours. These career-development events provide students the opportunities to meet with company representatives and to build important connections.

Columbia's Center for Career Education offers various services to help students prepare for their job-search process as well. The Center organizes Career Fairs (Fall Career Fair, Engineering Career Fair, Startup Career Fair, and Spring Career Fair) throughout the academic year in addition to numerous career-development workshops. To find more about the services that CCE offers, please visit their website.

Many of you probably have questions about research opportunities in the department. Each semester, we have a Research Project Fair, which provides an opportunity for faculty/researchers to present their projects to our students. Many students find projects that match their interests and register for at least one research project course in their time here.

Last but not least, Columbia University is located in the City of New York. Columbia University offers free access to museums and discount tickets to Broadway/Off-Broadway shows, concerts, and lectures. In addition to these benefits, SEAS and the CS Department organize many social events and tech talks to help students get to know each other.

If you any questions or concerns, I have set up a CS@CU Fall 15 LinkedIn group. I will be inviting you to the group shortly, so if you do not have a LinkedIn account, please create one. Feel free to post questions, and we'll try to respond as quickly as possible.

In addition to me, our Student Affairs Officer, Kathryn Angeles, will be available to answer any questions you may have.

Again, congratulations, and hope to see you in Fall 15.

Best Regards,
Remi Moss
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