安家楼PhD F1签证(非首次)被check

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LZ BME PhD,4月9日早上在北京安家楼美国使馆签证,之前的签证历史是:

第一次 去 UCLA summer term Physics Major,办的F1,被check;
第二次 去美帝某校面试,办的B1,水过;
第三次 也就是这次,签我的PhD,又被check。


Me: Good Morning!
VO: Morning. Can I have your passport?
Me: Sure. Here you are..(递Passport)
VO: (扫了护照) I need your I20.
Me: (递I20)
VO:(仔细读I20)You are going to do a PhD, this is pretty exciting! huh?
Me: Yeah.....(排队完全消磨了我的激情...)
VO: Do you have an advisor?
Me: No. We dont have an advisor till the second semester.
VO: That's fine. Can I take a look at your study plan and resume?
Me: Sure! (递study plan和resume)
VO:(把I20, Study plan, resume并成一排,疯狂码字ING。。) You are fishing with a Bachelor degree?
Me: Yes. I will finish by this summer.
VO: (码字继续,然后停了下来对着我说) Your application will go administrative processing and this will take 2-3 weeks. Do not worry. You have plenty of time....(暗暗笑着)
Me: That's ok. Thank you!
VO:(还给我I20,留下护照, study plan, resume,给了我张黄条,人生第一次收黄条,不开心T.T 之前两次都是蓝条...)

简短的对话,没有悬念的check。LZ的study plan和resume都是安官网模板写的,很简单。估计被check还是因为人品差加上VO全程面无表情(女VO)会比较喜欢check别人吧...
