7th AD from stat@UCSD, 供统计

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很早之前收到SD CS MS, 也非常可能会去; 考虑过double STAT MS的可能性,所以一直没有withdraw他家STAT MS

说一说我对UCSD STAT的了解吧:

1. UCSD quarter制的,多选课不用钱。UCSD CS不错,STAT MS可以选CS的课(both 研究生&本科生, 我的理解选课优先级和EE一样),虽然不算学分。

2. UCSD STAT在数学系下,usnews STAT上没有排名。统计这边做概率的prof比较多(官网上看是5个),没多少做统计的其实。。

3. UCSD 数学系做离散和组合挺强的(top 5),不过和统计没啥关系额。。官网说STAT MS考过qual之后可以转phd,qual难度未知。

4. 因为在数学系下,课程设置偏理论,就业应该一般。。。。但是考虑到可以选CS,有机会转phd,以及SD除了名气小之外的各种优势(便宜,位置气候好,CS不错),录取难度同一档次的STAT MS里 (UCD, Columbia, UVa etc), 我会选SD。(我已经爱屋及乌了,各种biased了哈哈哈哈哈)

邮件和CS MS除了项目名称其他完全一样的 ==||

Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been admitted as a graduate student for Fall 2015 to the M.S. program in Mathematics majoring in Statistics at the University of California, San Diego. As a leading institution for graduate studies, UC San Diego strives to attract and retain the best and the brightest graduate students from across the country and around the world. You have been selected from an elite group of applicants and it is our sincere hope that you will elect to join our campus community.

来源: 1point3acres.com
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