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5月27号在北京签证,EE PHD,跟我想的一样,被CHECK。


Dear Applicants:
Additional document is needed to process the above captioned cases. Please provide the following information as soon as possible to facilitate processing of your case(s):
1.) Explain goals of applicant’s research and any practical applications;
2.) States sources and amount of any U.S. government money/or (funding from U.S. corporations assisting the U.S. government) to be used to support that research.
3.) Describes any export-controlled technology and/or information will be shared with the applicant. If the applicant will participate in or have access to U.S. government project.
4.) Sponsor should state explicitly whether such research is open to non-U.S. citizens.

Please send us the document(s) needed via e-mail at 1point3acres.com within 25 days of this e-mail notification and write “ V7 ”plus your case number on top of the page.
Thank you,

Visa Section
U.S. Embassy Beijing

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