香港1000超好过 给5年签证

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预约的8:30,6:30起床洗洗漱漱 简单化妆打扮穿正装 吃早餐 7:30从家里出发, 8:10到的中环 Consultate General of the United Stated of America. (头一天专门去踩点了,七拐八拐的好难找,还下着雨)8:10分到门口前面只有5、6个人排队,进去要检查包包,不要带吃的喝的嚼的充电的进去,手机要power off。 有两次排队。第一次是核对资料窗口。香港人:your passport, HKID, I-20, application confirmation, When did you take the photo.---About one week ago. 等等 .(很多人因为照片有问题,都在一边的自助拍照机重新拍照,建议一定要6个月之内的合格的照片)第二次排队时进入内厅,要安检。之后按手印。到我了。

美女VO:Hi。 笑得很灿烂
me: Good morning. I am here for my student visa. 笑得很自信 (给她所有该需要的那几个资料)
美女VO:what will you go to the USA for?
me: for my doctoral degree
美女VO: which institution?
me : Texas A & M University
美女VO: OK where did you earn your Master's degree?
me: CUHK. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
美女VO: 飞快地打字 Who will support you in the US?
me: Actually. My potential supervior will provide me with a full financial support.
美女VO: I see. I find a scholarship on the I-20.
me: Oh yeah.
美女VO: what's your major?
me: Computer Science
美女VO: OK. Are your parents in Americ?
me: No. They are both in China.
美女VO 愉快的敲键盘
me: 插话。 And I have never been to the US.
美女VO 笑得很温暖。
美女VO 补充: Texas is really big and beautiful . I believe you will like it.
me: I am very happy to hear that. Thank you.
美女VO: You've approved. Have a nice trip! Remember to come here to get your passport back.
me: Oh thank you very much. Byebye.

到安检出取手机走人。 8:10进使馆,8:30出使馆。心情飞起来。正好可以坐缆车到太平山顶看风景。

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