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附上查询OPT申请状态的网址,输入Receipt NO. 即可查询:

6.9 收到offer letter。
6.11 决定从了这家。谈妥offer, 8.17 starting day。 因为我的advisor出国去了3周啊亲!!只能死等她回来帮我签字。
6.23 UPS 寄出去
6.25 case was received.
8.17 电话给USCIS客服加急,加急电话: 8003755283, 客服帮我建了一个加急case,要我记好reference number。预计5天内会有回复是否同意加急请求但不确定。我的加急理由是:因为太晚上班要丢工作机会了,我刚搬来这个大城市没钱花了, I will become homeless soon。

8.19 收到ucsis回复,要求submit additional documents to make a decision 。邮件是这样的:“Please note that the employment offer letter alone is not sufficient. The letter MUST indicate that the offer will be rescinded after a specific date. This information must be received within 2 days of the date of this notice. A decision in regards to expediting your request cannot be made until this documentation is received.” 我就开始纠结了,其实公司并没有说要收回我的offer,只是希望我能尽快去上班。 我怕我实话实说把这封信的内容告诉公司,公司给我来一封你必须9.1来上班否则offer收回,但到最后9.1我又来不了变成真的黄了的话,那就太sb了。纠结到最后,我决定还是说的委婉点, 我是这么和公司说的:
“I contacted the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services(USCIS) for expediting the process of my OPT application on Aug 17. I told they that my job offer will be canceled soon if I cannot start working as soon as I can and also there will be a sever financial loss for myself. They agreed to consider my case but need additional information to make a decision regarding my request. The supporting documents include not only offer letter which I already have, but also a document from the company indicating that the job opportunity will lose at a specific date if I am not able to start at the job soon. Can you help me prepare such a document? It will be a document saying there is a need for me to join the team, and it is the best interest for both the company and myself to get the Employment Authorization Document from USCIS soon. ”
公司hr特别善解人意,写了一封信帮我argue。没有提及任何revoke offer的事儿,只说公司已经安排了我的工作内容,希望我能尽快去上班。我特开心.
于是,我交给uscis的supporting documents有这些:1.offer letter。 2. hr帮我写的信 3. credit card statement from three banks.

8.20 按要求发过去材料,当天USCIS 回复说同意加急,但是:“Your case is now under expedited review. You should receive a decision or notice of further action within 45 days from the date of this letter.” 我一看就醉了,觉得非常不靠谱。但一看网上有人说只要他们同意加急一周内网上查询就会变状态,我还是决定等一等。
8.23 再次电话客服,说已经建了一个case没法再建也不能再催。所以只能让我等。
8.25 等不住了,找了当前邮编管辖的参议员(1位)和一个众议员。参考这个:
8.26 又找了我州另一个众议员,实在急啊!!
8.26,27,28期间纷纷收到他们的回复,要求我交privacy release form. 同时交supporting documents,就是上面提到的3个。

9.1 居然最快收到的是收到一位参议员 officer的回复,他转发了一封uscis的邮件里面表示卡已经被approved。 立马查状态,发现已经变成:New Card Is Being Produced。

1. 建议参议员congressman和众议员senator都找吧,反正流程几乎一样的。我的经历和上面帖子里地里的同志很不一样,他说他找了参议员不管用,所以才找的众议员。而我的case却是参议员最给力。
2.还是早点开始吧。这个事儿真是人个有命的。我的同班同学跟我同一天寄出去的,8.12就收到approve 通知,8.19制卡,8.21 收到卡。同人不同命啊,尤其是当你觉得自己的case还有点复杂的时候。我同学就是国内本科+来美读完一个硕士然后申请opt的。而我的情况可能复杂些(?),我国内读硕士+来美交流(J1)+拿到美国一所大学的ms degree (其实是双硕士,就是国内一个硕士学位,美国一个硕士学位,但因为在美不算F1,没有opt)+再来美国读硕F1申请opt,我和他是不一样的。。。。。 所以情况复杂早点开始是没错的。。。

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