请问大家关于 CS@SBU 邮寄的一个问题

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有个地方有点疑惑,在网申页面里特地关照 Please do not send hard copy documents of any kind until they are specifically requested. 也就是说在让你寄之前什么都别寄。

但是之后我在 FAQ 里又看到
5. What happens to my application if my materials (GRE and TOEFL scores) are late?
Applications with late materials, such as GRE and TOEFL scores, can negatively affect the review process. There is a brief margin (1-2 weeks) after the application deadline where these scores can still be processed in time for review. Applications reviewed without scores will be negatively impacted. Note, that these materials are required before any offer of admissions will be issued.

所以 hard copy documents 是不是仅仅指成绩单学位证之类的材料,而 GT 成绩还是必须在 DDL 之前寄出的?