求拍!!!写了个套辞信 附参考的套辞守则

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我个人感觉套得太松 没有写到自己跟老师研究的联系之处
无奈能力所限 也不知道怎么改进
万能的版友们请指点下 看了老师论文 一般都提出什么问题或想法比较合适

PhD applicant Interested In Dexterous Manipulation

Dear Prof. Li

I will be getting a BS degree in Tianjin University and I am applying to HKUST for a PhD. I looked at your home page and your recent projects. I am very interested in your research areas. Such as Dexterous manipulation and multifingered robotic hand

I also read your paper, "Real-time Grasping Force Optimization for Multifingered Manipulation: Theory and Experiments" and I am interested in your method of generating optimal grasping force efficiently in real-time by giving an appropriate initial condition to start the recursive algorithms.I think your research is closely connected to industry and can easily converst into productive forces.

I have done several projects related to your research.

1. Won the championship of Robot Contest of Tianjin University.
I undertook the control of mechanical arm and part of circuit design. My mechanical arm consists of two servo motors and one electric motor. It can simply orient and grap some things under the control of a SCM.

2. Successfully applied for NMOE (国家大学生创新实验计划) and passed the examine.
What we did is a Intelligent traffic light system based on image recognition and my assignment was vehicle scheduling algorithm, I use Neural-Net algorithm to determine the vehicle schedule.

3. Won the first prize of Challenge Cup (挑战杯) of Tianjin University and participated in the Challenge Cup of tianjin province as a representitive of Tianjin University.
I am the leader of the team and we invented a measurement device which can communicate with iphone and PC through bluetooth.

Please consider me for any financial assistantship that you may have.

附上套辞守则 好像是从寄托下的
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