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let me reply to the ones I have an idea about.:

Case Western: I would definitely not recommend Cleveland. This city has very bad criminal problems, is an industrial area hurting for jobs, is in a very cold bad climate area, etc. I would scratch it off your list.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute: I have never heard of this one and have no ability to discuss it.

Northeastern University (Boston): This one has a very good reputation. Eric actually had this one on his final list and was accepted for graduate school but ended up going to UCLA (which is another one one should consider). I think you should seriously consider Northeastern; it would give you an entry into many potential jobs.

Cornell MEM; Well thought of school but in a very cold area. Expensive/high cost of living area.

Duke MEM; Very highly thought of school that would definitely be an entry to jobs. In a somewhat warmer area (Virginia). This one should be on you final list.

Columbia: Construction Engineering and Management; Highly respected school but in New York City with a very high cost of living and very cold in the winter.

USC: Well respected school; Good weather area, this one should be on you final list.

MSU: I assume this refers to Michigan State University. Reasonably well thought of school in very cold northern area.

U of Michigan: Same as MSU but slightly better reputation. This one can led to jobs but the Detroit area is a rough crime one.

University of Florida: This is a good one. It is well respected, in a good place to live; very warm climate (near Disney World) and can lead to jobs. Keep this one on the final list.

UIUC CM: I am not sure what school these initials are referring to.

WUSTL: If this is Washington U in St Louis, it is an a relative good area. Has a reasonably good reputation. Is likely good for jobs.

这是出自一个法学院教授给我朋友的的回信。完全站在美国公民的立场给一些建议。just a favor。


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