CS (MScAC) @ University of Toronto 多伦多大学 - 感谢多大

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[align="left"]2 月 2 号录取,四周决定,本来也快要截止了。晚上收到 USC 的正式录取,趁着多伦多周五还没下班,赶紧写信婉拒,把机会留给其他同学吧。[/align]
[align="left"]MScAC 的项目是我收到的第一个录取,让我从前一天 NEU 拒信的阴影中走出,十分感激。特别感谢小蜜 Claire Mosses ,从最开始安排面试,到后面解答签证问题,都很热情耐心。[/align]
[align="left"]说一下 MScAC 项目的工作签证问题。时长 16 个月,包括 8 个月课程和 8 个月实习。而加拿大对毕业工签的政策是:如果课程时间小于两年,工签的时长就等于课程的时长。所以我之前一直不确定该项目的学习时间是算作 8 个月还是 16 个月。如果是前者,那么工作签证只能用作项目内的实习,毕业后将不再有工作机会;反之,项目结束后还能继续工作 16 个月,期间可以达到经验移民条件(工作满一年),拿到枫叶卡,从而在工签过期后以永久居民的身份继续工作。Claire 对该问题的答复如下:[/align]
The majority of students have been issued with a 16 month PGWP following their studies (the length of this work permit does depend on the length of studies) - the 8 month internship is a mandatory part of the program, and so counts towards the length of studies.

Any further questions regarding the permits should be directed to the Centre for Internationa Experience (CIE). They have qualified immigration advisors on hand who can explain all the rules and regulations around applying for study and work permits.

Details can be found at the following link: studentlife.utoronto.ca

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