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Congratulations! The Graduate Committee has accepted you for Spring 2012 admission into the Ph.D. program in the ***

This offer carries with it the assurance of financial assistance in the form of a teaching assistantship for a period of 5 years. While it is our intention to support you for the entire five-year period, this award is contingent upon the availability of these funds and your satisfactory performance as a teaching assistant. The teaching assistantship currently carries a stipend of ***. Typically, summer support comes from grants to your faculty advisor, provided grant support is available. While you are supported by a teaching, or research, assistantship you will also receive a full tuition waiver, and limited health insurance. In your case, Dr. *** is willing to support you as a research assistant for at least your first semester at ***.

Please note that all "International Students" are required to pass a test of "Spoken English" in order to receive a teaching assistantship. If you do not pass this test (SPEAK test), you cannot be given a teaching assistantship, health insurance, or financial waivers, and your support will be contingent on whether your faculty mentor can offer you a research assistantship.

费解了,这个算offer不啊。题头写的是admit letter,信里说的是 this offer怎么怎么样。要是我拿这个去签证会不会有问题,因为信上只写了第一个semester。