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在康奈尔cs的MEng里面看到Faculty Engagement这个词,Faculty 是教师,Engagement是约定,契约,请问Faculty Engagement 是什么意思啊?能不能具体翻译这个两个词组合起来的意思?谢谢康奈尔官网内容如下
Faculty Engagement

At Cornell Tech, we believe our faculty to be one of the most important parts of our students’ success. That’s why faculty hired by Cornell Tech have to possess certain qualities and experiences in order to join our team. Our professors are prevalent researchers, possess excellent teaching skills and have significant and relevant hands-on experience. Not only do they understand the inner workings of tech, but also its impact throughout the world. You will find that every faculty member has experience inside tech-driven companies, startups, political policy and education.
