求助: 收到模板陶瓷回复

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收到一封铁定是模板的陶瓷回复, 如下:

" I do not
offer RA positions to incoming graduate students, but all
students are welcome to attend my lab meetings, and I would
be happy to meet with you after you arrive on campus if you
decide to attend ****. If you do come to ****, the best ways
to get involved with ***** and possibly secure a position
in the lab are to come to lab meetings, take a class from me
if I am teaching a graduate course, take CMSC 601 in the spring
semester of your first year (whether I am teaching it or not),
and possibly do an independent study with me (but not in your
first semester, as I find that new students need to focus on
getting settled and beginning on their coursework in their
first semester)."

所以问题是: 这是不是已经明确表示她是不会给钱的了, 所以是不是该找其他老师套, 但是一个学校应该是不能套两个或以上的老师的吧, 求大神指导!{:4_112:}