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我是在提交OPT申请后拿到的offer,所以没能在申请的时候就附上offer letter请求加急。之前浏览了一些提交申请后请求加急的经验,主要都是联系USCIS。最近听一个成功拿到EAD的同学说,他亲自去USCIS在我们当地的办公室去申请的加急,于是今天一大早我就屁颠屁颠地去了那个办公室。办公室的大妈态度非常好,热情地帮我提交了加急申请,告诉我五天之内USCIS会联系我,于是我就非常开心地回到学校开始搬砖。结果一回到学校就收到USCIS的邮件,告诉我我的加急申请被拒了,在惊叹这回复速度的同时,我也仔细阅读了拒绝原因,如下:
The primary goal of Curricular Practical Training (CPT), pre-completion Optional Practical Training (pre-OPT), and post-completion Optional Practical Training (post-OPT) is for the students to gain practical experience in their field of study, not to earn money for living expenses or to fund their studies.

It must be noted that F-1 students are required to establish that they have the financial ability to pay for their course of study and living expenses for the entire period of study as indicated on their I-20, thus they cannot claim financial hardship due to the very nature of their nonimmigrant status and maintenance thereof. In addition, an offer of employment or employment start date also does not constitute expeditious processing.

当然,加急申请的根据是severe financial loss,不是我选的,是大妈选的,大妈都没问我就选了,但我觉得这也不是问题,因为版上很多人都是选的这个原因。回头想想又可能是因为大妈提交加急申请的时候没有把我具体的额外信息加进去,比如我的start date什么的,大妈连offer letter也没看一眼,当然也不会把offer letter附上去。

请问被拒后应该怎么办啊?可以再次申请吗?如果再申请需要隔一段时间再提交申请吗?很担心申请太多次会被当作spam... 如果想要提供更多信息,邮寄会不会是比电话或者当地办公室更好的途径?如果不加急的话,当下OPT一般要多长时间才能批下来呢?


补充:我的case在YSC,也就是Potomac Service Center,之前去学校国际学生办公室,老师跟我说这个中心是近期为了分流才启用的,看到地里很多小伙伴也是这里的,不知道分流中心会不会快一点啊?