想请教一下FB hr发给的回复是神马意思

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Thanks so much for sending this over. I definitely have a better idea about your background and interests, and look forward to talking to you on campus this fall. We will be hosting several Facebook events in September and October, and I would encourage you to stop by those. We will be hosting on Tech Talk on September 19th, and will be taking part in the Engineering and Science Career Fair on October 11th. The Facebook line is ridiculously long, so just come to the front and look for me that day and I will get you in front with one of our engineers.
想请教一下这个是要现场做的节奏吗??还是说纯粹是talk???感觉很奇怪,既不是约店面也不是约on campus。。。。难道是看我的背景不够solid来prescreeing,感觉好慌。。。。不知道有木有小伙伴是一样的情况{:4_106:}
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