Rutgers FSRM spring

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很早之前问了他家小秘什么时候能有结果 今天收到了FSRM director的回信
Thanks for your interests and sorry for the delay.

After reviewing your application, the committee does not think you can be admitted to Spring admission. We only admit a very small number of students in the spring. They have to have very strong background as they will miss all the fall courses, which are pre-requsite for the spring courses.

However, if you wish, we can change your application to Fall admission, and we will consider your application again at that time. No guarantee of admission. You will be competing with all other applicants.

Let me know if you wish me to defer our decision to the fall.

总之,他家大概就是基本不会在春季收人,不过我本来也没想春季去上学的,只是觉得再次申秋季竞争更大 还是申春季录了以后延到秋季比较好一些~po出来也给后面申请的同学一点信息吧,看去年他家stat还在春季录人,今年申请的时候spring根本选不来stat只能选fsrm,所以想去rutgers的各位还是申秋季吧~如果可以免费推到秋季再审材料的话我倒也是有兴趣试一试 也想证明一下自己有没有这个能力被录吧~不过我还是会去SBU的哈哈哈
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