RA Openings in University of Texas at Arlington on Computer Systems

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[align="left"]Professor Song Jiang is recruiting Ph.D students in the broad area of computer systems, including cloud computing, file and storage systems, operating system, parallel and distributed systems, and multi-core computer architecture. [/align][align="left"]Professor Jiang is an associate professor at the CSE department of University of Texas, Arlington (UTA). He invented a number of influential designs that had been officially incorporated in the Linux, NetBSD, and MySQL systems. His group consistently publish papers of high impact at top-tier conferences such as ASPLOS, FAST, USENIX ATC, ACM SIGMETRICS, and EUROSYS. [/align][align="left"]All students will be fully supported with GRAs or GTAs. His past and current students had taken or are taking internships at major IT companies and national laboratories during summers, such as Google, Facebook, VMWare, IBM T.J Watson, and Los Alamos National Laboratory. His past students were employed in major IT companies and universities as assistant professors in U.S. [/align][align="left"]According to U.S. News, UTA’s Computer Engineering Graduate program was ranked 83rd in 2016 nationally, and a number of its specialties in the computer area are ranked in the top 50th in U.S. [/align][align="left"]For more info please visit his homepage at ranger.uta.edu/~sjiang/ (or search “Song Jiang UTA”) and directly email him at 1point3acres.com.[/align][align="left"]江松教授的学术领域是大规模计算机集群系统和数据中心的系统软件和构架的设计和优化,侧重点是存储和数据管理系统。他的研究在计算机和信息领域产生了很大的影响,这些影响集中体现在其研究成果大量在工业界的采用和在学术界的广泛认可。江松教授一共有三项科研成果被正式接受进入全球广泛使用的众多开源软件的官方版本中: (1)基于令牌的进程调度算法被Linux操作系统所采; (2) LIRS替换算法已成为世界上最知名的缓存管理算法,它在世界上用户最多的开源数据库MySQL官方版本被采;和(3)Clock-pro替换算法被NetBSD操作系统所采用。[/align][align="left"]江松教授的研究工作在学术界得到的广泛认可,他的科研论文大量发表在国际顶级会议和期刊上,并得到大量的引用。譬如,他的LIRS算法的论文已被引用超过440次(根据谷歌Scholar统计,下同)。在最近的计算机存储领域最顶级的会议(FAST 2016)上,有三分之一的论文引用了他的文章,平均每篇论文引用两次。他和百度公司合作发表在ASPLOS’14国际会议上关于提高固态盘性能和降低成本的论文,发表两年内就有近50次的引用。他和脸书公司合作发表在SIGMETRICS’12国际会议上关于键值系统负载分析的论文,发表四年内就有超过200次的引用。这两项工作的成果分别在百度和脸书的在线系统中使用。[/align][align="left"]欢迎同学们现在就科研和申请事宜直接咨询江老师(1point3acres.com)。江老师的实验室将在2017年秋季资助多名博士生。如果你本科或研究生阶段总的平均成绩或GRE/TOFEL成绩不是很满意,这未必影响你的录取和得到资助的机会,重要是你的相关的专业课(数据结构,操作系统和计算机体系结构)成绩和动手能力,以及对科研的热情。[/align]
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