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早上被闹钟闹醒,第一件事就打开邮箱刷邮件,突然刷出一个Decision status的标题邮件,当时心想,完了,又一个拒信,想了几秒后打开,看到It is a pleasure to inform you时,心理好高兴啊,再往后看,那意思就是给我AD了,好高兴啊好高兴啊,这是邮件内容:It is a pleasure to inform you that the Department of Computer Science recommended your admission to The University of Alabama to pursue a Computer Science, MCS for the Fall 2017 term. However, before your official letter of admission and immigration document can be issued, we must receive either confirmation of your own source of funding, or notification that University financial aid has been awarded to you.

At this time, the department has indicated that your application is being considered for an assistantship, but that a final decision has not yet been made. You may wish to pursue this matter by corresponding with [Department Head Name], in the Computer Science Department. If you have identified your own source of funding, please complete and return the I-20/DS-2019 Request Form (at is.ua.edu) to this office with your bank documents.

We appreciate your interest in The University of Alabama, and expect to contact you again upon receipt of satisfactory financial documentation.


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