2017 Berkeley MEng IEOR 新鲜面经

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2月1号收到berkeley的email invitation说要面试,面我的是一个刚毕业一两年的alumni,在印度念了本科才过来的,现在留下了在做supply chain。这个面试很casual,应该真的只是看看你语言沟通能力咋样以及了解一下你是什么样的人,然后看看你有没有leadership potential。我后面觉得自己问了不少问题,不过一看时间也才20分钟。

1. Tell me about your background and experiences.
2. Why did you choose Berkeley, and why a M.Eng program instead of a MS program?
3. Tell me about a recent project you worked on from start to finish where you were a leader, and tell me about how you managed conflicts in the project.
4. What do you hope to learn from your peers at Berkeley? How do you think that will influence your future career?
5. Berkeley has a very diverse student body, how would this impact your career development and learning experience? (这题记得不是特别清。。反正berkeley就是比较注重diversity就对了)
6. How will your friends describe you in three words?
7. Tell me about your short term and long term career goal? (5 years and 10 years)
8. Questions?

1. Can you tell me a little bit about your own background? (这个主要是为了问下一个问题。。。我提前在linkedin上stalk过他了)
2. How are the career placement stats for graduates of this program for international students specifically? What kind of positions do they normally get?
3. What do you feel is best part about studying at Berkeley and in this program? Which part do
you feel could be improved?
best part是这个program的career service不错,刚开学一两个月就开始教你怎么找工作怎么在career fair套招聘官的话什么的;缺点是因为program只有一年,所以后期又要做capstone又要写作业又要找工作忙的飞起
4. If I don’t have any coding experience, would you recommend that I take coding classes to prepare myself?

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