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楼主刚刚收到了爱荷华的邮件。。。本来这是好事啊,可是这是一封教授直接发过来的邮件,不是官方通知啊~教授说想speak to you to see if you are interested in joining my group.可教授大大我申的是ms不是phd,这还可以直接进组吗?而且楼主相当惧面试,楼主口语才18分呜呜呜,到时候难道一直pardon吗?我打听过明明一般ms不需要面试的!求各位大牛帮忙鉴定一下教授大大到底是什么意思,真的是必须面试还是发邮件联系也ok~楼主现在心好慌,怕真面试的话因为我口语不好不要我。。。拜谢各位~邮件是这么说的:
I saw your application to our department and was impressed by your lab work, grades, and overall academic performance. Our graduate committee has recommended you for admission, and I would like to speak to you to see if you are interested in joining my group. I would like to do this very soon because we are currently allocating funding support.

Please let me know if you are interested right away. You can also contact my current and former students to see what my lab is like.
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