
Thank you for submitting an application to the graduate program in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Florida! I apologize for delays in sending our Fall 2017 decisions and email communication. We very much appreciate your patience during this busy season, and we will be sending decisions by the end of the month.

For your reference, you can find complete application instructions here: ece.ufl.edu. You should already have received an automated email from our application system with login information for your ECE application. If you have not received this email, please send an email to 1point3acres.com. Due to the number of applications we receive, we are unable to provide status updates upon request. You can find instructions for checking the status of official documents sent to the Office of Admissions here: admissions.ufl.edu. You will need to create a GatorLink account in order to check your status (click the "Create a Gatorlink" button in the "More Information" section at the bottom of the page). If you do not receive your GatorLink invitation code via email, please call the UF Help Desk at +1 352-392-4357.

If you have any questions about your application, please send email to 1point3acres.com. Don't forget to include your UFID number in all communications. Hope this helps and have a good day!



另外,请问有人申了UFL的CS吗?当时我看到一份申请费可以申两个项目,我就又申了一个CS下的CE。他们家的设定是选项目的时候选Computer of Science 以及Computer Engineering都是提交申请到CS学院。

