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1. 60天grace period是每次employment结束都有。
Establish a grace period of up to 60 consecutive days during each authorized validity period for certain high-skilled nonimmigrant workers when their employment ends before the end of their authorized validity period
这里的authorized validity period就是每次申请H1B的时候规定的时间,LZ特意问了因为通常申请都是3年所以是指三年内能用一次吗,但对方说因为每次申请H1B的authorized validity period都会变动,所以相当于是每次申请就是一个新的authorized validity period。

2. H1B转到其他身份期间,如果有下家可以申H1B,也不用等到approve就可以工作。
背后的逻辑是,在新身份生效之前,USCIS不认可你的新身份,还按照上一个身份来算。就像境内F2转F1一样,必须等approve了才能上课。所以H1B转成其他身份的期间,也还是valid H1B,只要有下家申请,就符合H1B portability,可以开始工作了。

VIII. EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION DURING THE GRACE PERIODS[align="left"]Comment. Several commenters requested that employment authorization be granted during grace periods so that foreign workers can begin their new jobs while awaiting approval of a petition filed by a new employer.[/align]
Response. DHS declines to provide employment authorization during the grace periods. Consistent with the intent of the grace periods as proposed, as well as similar grace periods already provided in DHS regulations, the final rule does not allow eligible nonimmigrants to be employed during either the 10- or 60-day grace periods unless otherwise authorized under federalregister.gova.12. DHS authorizes these grace periods simply to facilitate the ability of qualified nonimmigrants to transition to new employment in the United States, seek a change of status, or prepare to depart the United States. Consistent with longstanding policy, DHS declines to authorize individuals to work during these grace periods.

grace period内下家办理H1B也不能工作?这和USCIS了解的有出入啊...可能工作人员也不清楚吧...又凌乱了,那四月之后在grace period内找工作的同志们即使找到了工作也不能适用portability也需要等上6-8个月?!


补充内容 (2017-4-8 12:55):
有个有趣的更新:有朋友在grace period找到工作,4月3号之后才提交的H1B,和下家确认很多遍,公司都说可以拿到receipt就工作。下家是巨头,可能是觉得只要申请肯定能approve,所以提前工作也不会有什么后患吧。

补充内容 (2017-4-12 00:39):
同样在final rule里,另外有一条,明确说了grace period内是可以适用portability rule的:federalregister.gov
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