Uiowa stat的面经 攒RP

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本狼申请的Uiowa stat PhD,他家以前貌似没有面试,没有找到以前的面经。用的是Skype,大概15分钟左右。

面试我的是他家的Graduate Admission Director Dr.Russ Lenth

1.你的degree objecitve以及和你career的关系。(第一个上来就是这个,没有答好)



4.In your opinion,what is statisitcs?


6.你觉得你的哪些经历可以让在graduate school表现优异(就是Why should we accept you, and your strength?)
我和他强调了一下数学背景。然后他问了我一下计算机编程能力。考了点统计知识,问我什么是Jacobian Matrix(差点卡住)

平时本狼喜欢看top gear,看了某期芬兰驾校模拟系统之后惊为神物(怪不得那么多WRC和F1车手),然后和他8了一下、

问了下summer 时候学生干嘛(其实我想好这个问题要问他的,结果被他抢先了)
only support a few students, encourage students to find intership elsewhere


同时个人觉得,interview 完了之后应该有一个follow-up thank you letter(career center的同学建议的,开始没想到,今天才发)

General Tips
  1. Be sure to write and send the letter within two days of the meeting.
  2. Remember to be genuine when writing a thank you note.
  3. If multiple people interviewed you, send a thank you letter to each and personalize each
  4. one by talking about something specific you discussed with them. You can mention
  5. some key points that you think the employer should remember about you.
  6. Ask for your interviewers' business cards, or write down the interviewers' titles and the
  7. proper spelling of their names before leaving the interview site.
  8. Conclude the thank you letter by mentioning again how interested you are in the
  9. position/program and why.
  10. Carefully proofread each letter, and have one other person to review it.
  11. Remember to keep your thank you letter to ONE page.

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
Use the first paragraph to thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you.
Mention your interest in the job and how enthusiastic you are about it.

The second paragraph of your thank you letter should include the reasons why you are an excellent candidate for the job.

List specific skills that relate to the job you interviewed for. The more detailed you are, the more the interviewer will know about your qualifications.

The third paragraph (optional) can be used to mention anything that you didn't bring up at the interview that you'd like the employer to know.
This gives you another chance to make a good impression, especially if you remembered something you should have said after the interview.
In your closing paragraph, reiterate your appreciation for being considered for the job and let the interviewer know you are looking forward to hearing from him or her soon.

Your Signature

Your Typed Name

我自己的thank you letter 就不放了,不献丑了.
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