补报一个UT rej,标化挂了就是挂了我也服!

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看到地里说要鼓励报 rej 所以过来凑一下热闹。当时报 UT 的时候就想着女神校,要是可以中大奖就好了。事实证明彩票抽中的可能性毕竟还是小,人家只要 top 5% 嘛……这边又是转专业 G 考得又差,就算有一篇 conf paper 加持外加工作经历最后也并不能帮到多少。转 CS 道阻且长,大家共同努力吧。这波 rej 貌似是跟当天一波 offer 同时发的,收到也是跟定心丸一样马上从别家 AD 了~但求ML 之路好走啊~

Dear XXX,

Thank you for your application to the Computer Science department's
graduate program at the University of Texas at Austin. We appreciate
your interest in our Masters program.

Today we are writing to inform you that our Masters admissions decisions
have been made. I regret that we will not be able to offer admission to
the Masters program to you. We had a very limited number of openings,
and a very large number of applicants; we were able to offer admission
to only about 5% of those who applied. Because of the limited number of
openings, many good applicants had to be turned away.

We wish you the best in your future education and career.
