2017 UIUC Pre-arrival Webinar

Chinese Business Students and Alumni Association(CBSAA) New Student Pre-arrival Webinar
【由于现在2017 UIUC Pre-arrival Webinar的群人数已达100人,请各位想参加讲座的同学先添加Xuhui Zhang(Wechat ID: zxh450982208 & Lusi Han(Wechat ID: Lucy_Vibe)微信,收到邀请后我们后把你拉进群】
Date and Time:

Section 1: April 21st, 2017(Friday), 9:00pm - 11:00pm Beijing Time
Section 2: April 22nd, 2017 (Saturday), 9:00pm –11:00pm Beijing Time

(Please note that webinar is composed of two sessions. The contents of two are different but both highly valuable to you!)

Location: 熊猫直播
Broadcast name: “格兰杰鲍勃”
Room number: 867132


The Webinar is composed of different sessions in two days:

Session 1(April 21st): Comprehensive self-development and a happy life in Champaign

A full Pre-arrival preparation
Comprehensive self-development in Champaign: An outstanding student representative from your program will share his/her experience in how to get all-round improvement by making full use of academic resources, professional skill training, social events and even the fitness and recreation resources in this international campus. There are valuable tips about program arrangement, course recommendation, professor features and a better preparation for a preeminent you in the future!
Life in Champaign: “Where to live”, “Where to eat”, “How to buy cars”, “How to open bank account” and more information to help you enjoy the life in Champaign etc.

Session 2(April 22nd): Job Market in the U.S

Experienced Assistant Director, Ms.Xing, from Business Career Services(BCS), the official career center of U of I Business School, will help you structure a pragmatic and deeper understanding of US job market. BCS has put special attention and devotion to helping Chinese students in Business School to start a good career wherever in the US or other international locations. Useful tips will be offered on job hunting and career development.
Background of Chinese Business Students andAlumni Association:

CBSAA is a registered student organization which focuses on providing better career opportunities to Chinese students in business related majors at University of Illinois. All of our members are fromMSA, MSF, LER, MSFE and MSBA.
Our mission is to develop tomorrow’s leaders from Chinese Business Students through connecting alumni, university, corporate and student resources and building a dynamic network which benefits all the parties.

How to attend the webinar(讲座全程以中文呈现):
1. 电脑输入熊猫直播后在右上角搜索主播名“格兰杰鲍勃” or房间号:867132;手机下载熊猫直播App即可观看
2. 建议大家申请熊猫TV账号方便留言提问,同时也欢迎微信提问
3. 请同学们提前十分钟进入直播室
If you have any question regarding the webinar, please feel free to contact Xuhui Zhang (Wechat ID: zxh450982208; Email:[email protected]).
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